赤毛のアン 第十二章

CHAPTER XII. A Solemn Vow and Promise(19)

"I heard you say you liked chocolate sweeties, so I got you some," he said.

"Humph," sniffed Marilla. "It'll ruin her teeth and stomach. There, there, child, don't look so dismal. You can eat those, since Matthew has gone and got them. He'd better have brought you peppermints. They're wholesomer. Don't sicken yourself eating all them at once now."

  • sweeties:ケーキ,甘い物,砂糖菓子
  • sniff:鼻であしらう
  • ruin:駄目にする
  • dismal:ゆううつな,惨めな
  • peppermint:ペパーミント
  • wholesome:体に良い,健康によい
  • sicken:病気にさせる