赤毛のアン 第三章

CHAPTER III. Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised(13)

"I should say not. What good would she be to us?"

"We might be some good to her," said Matthew suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Matthew Cuthbert, I believe that child has bewitched you! I can see as plain as plain that you want to keep her."

"Well now, she's a real interesting little thing," persisted Matthew. "You should have heard her talk coming from the station."

"Oh, she can talk fast enough. I saw that at once. It's nothing in her favour, either. I don't like children who have so much to say. I don't want an orphan girl and if I did she isn't the style I'd pick out. There's something I don't understand about her. No, she's got to be despatched straight-way back to where she came from."

"I could hire a French boy to help me," said Matthew, "and she'd be company for you."

"I'm not suffering for company," said Marilla shortly. "And I'm not going to keep her."

"Well now, it's just as you say, of course, Marilla," said Matthew rising and putting his pipe away. "I'm going to bed."

To bed went Matthew. And to bed, when she had put her dishes away, went Marilla, frowning most resolutely. And up-stairs, in the east gable, a lonely, heart-hungry, friendless child cried herself to sleep.

  • bewitch:〜に魔法をかける
  • as plain as plain:極めて明らか
  • persist:言い張る
  • in one's favor:有利な
  • orphan:孤児の
  • style:種類
  • pick out:選ぶ
  • have got to = have to
  • despatch:急送する
  • straightway:すぐに,即刻
  • hire:〜を雇う
  • company:友達
  • suffer:悩む
  • as you say:あなたがそう言うのならそうでしょう
  • put away:片付ける
  • dish:料理,食器
  • frown:眉をひそめる,顔をしかめる
  • resolutely:堅く決心して
  • gable:切妻
  • heart-hungry:心が満たされない
as plain as plain = plainを更に強調

to bed went Matthew = Matthew went to bed