5月18日-19日にWHO総会が開かれました。日本のメディアが「米中対立」という脈絡で捉え、報道しているのは「さもありなん」と思うのですが、19日のBS1の朝のニュース(世界の放送局のダイジェスト紹介)を見ていたら、ドイツのテレビ局までがまったく同じ脈絡での捉え方をしているのを見て辟易しました。というのは、世界最高権威の医学誌『ランセット』は、明確にトランプ大統領のWHO(及び中国)に関する発言を誤りと断じており(4月25日発表のホートン編集長署名文章"Why President Trump is Wrong about WHO")、世界がコロナ問題で結束して事に当たれないのはすべてトランプ政権の「中国たたき」「WHOたたき」のせいであることは明々白々だからです。
 台湾のオブザーバー参加に関しては、台湾と国交関係を持つ14カ国が「台湾にオブザーバーとしての総会参加を要請する」という提案を行ったことは理解できます。しかし、「一つの中国」原則を承認しているアメリカ、日本(安倍政権)がこの提案を支持したのは大問題です。結論としては、議題に取り上げられることもなく、台湾参加問題は先送りにされるという当然の結末になりました。  なお、5月19日の中国外交部定例記者会見では、ブルームバーグ通信記者のこの問題に関する質問に答える中で、趙立堅報道官は以下の事実関係を明らかにしています。

 最初に紹介した世界の医学最高権威誌の一つであるランセットの5月16日社説ですが、最後の一文は、「アメリカ人は、公衆衛生を党派政治で動かしてはならないことを理解している人物を2021年1月にホワイトハウス入りする大統領にしなければならない」(Americans must put a president in the White House come January, 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics)という痛烈な締めくくりです。
また、ランセットのホートン編集長の署名文章は、コロナ勃発以後に中国とWHOが取ってきた事実関係を整理した上で、「WHOが新しい肺炎について世界に報道したのは(中国の通報から)たった4日後」、「国際的な懸念のある公衆衛生緊急事態(PHEIC)を宣言したのはたった30日後」と指摘し、「したがって、トランプ大統領の非難は根拠なし」(President Trump's charge is therefore without foundation)と断定しています。さらに最後のくだりは、「世界の人々の健康と安寧を守ることだけを目的とする機関に害を加えるトランプ大統領の決定は人類に対する犯罪である。それは、世界市民に対する故意にして非人道的な攻撃である。彼は直ちにWHOに対する拠出を元に戻し、WHOに対する全面的かつ無条件の支持を与えるべきである」とするものです。
Lancet Editorial, May 16, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to worsen in the USA with 1·3 million cases and an estimated death toll of 80 684 as of May 12. States that were initially the hardest hit, such as New York and New Jersey, have decelerated the rate of infections and deaths after the implementation of 2 months of lockdown. However, the emergence of new outbreaks in Minnesota, where the stay-at-home order is set to lift in mid-May, and Iowa, which did not enact any restrictions on movement or commerce, has prompted pointed new questions about the inconsistent and incoherent national response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flagship agency for the nation's public health, has seen its role minimised and become an ineffective and nominal adviser in the response to contain the spread of the virus. The strained relationship between the CDC and the federal government was further laid bare when, according to The Washington Post, Deborah Birx, the head of the US COVID-19 Task Force and a former director of the CDC's Global HIV/AIDS Division, cast doubt on the CDC's COVID-19 mortality and case data by reportedly saying: "There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust". This is an unhelpful statement, but also a shocking indictment of an agency that was once regarded as the gold standard for global disease detection and control. How did an agency that was the first point of contact for many national health authorities facing a public health threat become so ill-prepared to protect the public's health?
In the decades following its founding in 1946, the CDC became a national pillar of public health and globally respected. It trained cadres of applied epidemiologists to be deployed in the USA and abroad.
CDC scientists have helped to discover new viruses and develop accurate tests for them. CDC support was instrumental in helping WHO to eradicate smallpox. However, funding to the CDC for a long time has been subject to conservative politics that have increasingly eroded the agency's ability to mount effective, evidence-based public health responses. In the 1980s, the Reagan administration resisted providing the sufficient budget that the CDC needed to fight the HIV/AIDS crisis. The George W Bush administration put restrictions on global and domestic HIV prevention and reproductive health programming.
The Trump administration further chipped away at the CDC's capacity to combat infectious diseases. CDC staff in China were cut back with the last remaining CDC officer recalled home from the China CDC in July, 2019, leaving an intelligence vacuum when COVID-19 began to emerge. In a press conference on Feb 25, Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned US citizens to prepare for major disruptions to movement and everyday life. Messonnier subsequently no longer appeared at White House briefings on COVID-19. More recently, the Trump administration has questioned guidelines that the CDC has provided. These actions have undermined the CDC's leadership and its work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
There is no doubt that the CDC has made mistakes, especially on testing in the early stages of the pandemic. The agency was so convinced that it had contained the virus that it retained control of all diagnostic testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, but this was followed by the admission on Feb 12 that the CDC had developed faulty test kits. The USA is still nowhere near able to provide the basic surveillance or laboratory testing infrastructure needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
But punishing the agency by marginalising and hobbling it is not the solution. The Administration is obsessed with magic bullets—vaccines, new medicines, or a hope that the virus will simply disappear. But only a steadfast reliance on basic public health principles, like test, trace, and isolate, will see the emergency brought to an end, and this requires an effective national public health agency. The CDC needs a director who can provide leadership without the threat of being silenced and who has the technical capacity to lead today's complicated effort.
The Trump administration's further erosion of the CDC will harm global cooperation in science and public health, as it is trying to do by defunding WHO. A strong CDC is needed to respond to public health threats, both domestic and international, and to help prevent the next inevitable pandemic. Americans must put a president in the White House come January, 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics.
Why President Trump is wrong about WHO
Published:April 25, 2020 Richard Horton (Lancet編集長)
April 14, 2020: President Trump, speaking at The White House—"Today, I am instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization's role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus…The WHO's reliance on China's disclosures likely caused a 20-fold increase in cases worldwide, and it may be much more than that. The WHO has not addressed a single one of these concerns nor provided a serious explanation that acknowledges its own mistakes, of which there were many…so much death has been caused by their mistakes." Here are the facts.
Chinese officials first reported the existence of atypical cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China, to WHO's China Country Office in Beijing on Dec 31, 2019. An Incident Management Support Team was established the next day. On Jan 4, 2020, WHO tweeted that "#China has reported to WHO a cluster of #pneumonia cases—with no deaths—in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Investigations are underway to identify the cause of this illness." On Jan 5, the agency described a "pneumonia of unknown cause" in its official disease outbreak news. By Jan 7, Chinese scientists had identified the causative agent as a novel type of coronavirus. China shared the genetic sequence on Jan 12. Details of the illness were now being reported by Chinese officials to WHO. Among the first 41 cases, the earliest symptoms began on Dec 8. Also on Jan 12, WHO reported there was "no clear evidence of human to human transmission". They noted that Chinese authorities claimed "No additional cases have been detected since 3 January 2020". On Jan 13, WHO reported that Dr Tedros would be consulting with members of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee, the group that advises the WHO Director-General on whether there is sufficient evidence to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). On Jan 14, the possibility of human-to-human transmission was raised by WHO's Maria Van Kerkhove at a WHO press briefing (human-to-human transmission was eventually confirmed by Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan and colleagues, in a paper published in The Lancet on Jan 24). Meanwhile, Chinese experts from Beijing visited Wuhan to investigate the outbreak and were followed, on Jan 20–21, by a team from WHO. The IHR Emergency Committee met on Jan 22–23. After a split vote, they reconvened on Jan 30 and concluded that the outbreak fulfilled criteria for a PHEIC, which Dr Tedros duly declared the same day. What can one conclude from this timeline? It took WHO just 4 days to inform the world about the existence of this new atypical pneumonia. It took WHO just 30 days to declare a PHEIC. President Trump's charge is therefore without foundation. On Feb 24, President Trump tweeted that "CDC & World Health [Organization] have been working hard and very smart". His present attack on WHO contradicts his earlier praise for the agency. On the issue of human-to-human transmission, WHO reported the facts as they had them. They knew and said publicly by Jan 14 that human-to-human transmission was possible given this was a coronavirus of a similar type to that which caused severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Still, there are legitimate questions. First, there is a gap in the timeline between Dec 8 and Dec 31. What did Chinese authorities in Hubei province and Beijing do during this period? Second, why did Chinese authorities tell WHO on Jan 11–12 that no additional cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) had been detected since Jan 3? And third, last week saw Chinese officials revise their Wuhan mortality estimates for COVID-19 upwards by 50%. But that only takes China's total number of COVID-19 deaths to 4642, according to WHO. Can that figure be believed? By making unfounded allegations against WHO and by stopping much-needed financial aid to the agency during a global health crisis, President Trump has damaged the integrity of his office and his government. Global health, and global health security, needs a strong WHO and it needs a strong US Government to support WHO. President Trump's decision to harm an agency whose sole purpose is to protect the health and wellbeing of the world's peoples is a crime against humanity. It is a knowing and inhumane attack against the global civilian population. He should restore WHO's funding immediately and offer the agency his full and unconditional backing.
Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19
Published:February 19, 2020 Lancet
Charles Calisher (Colorado State Univ.), 27名(米、英、独、蘭、豪、マレーシア、香港)
We are public health scientists who have closely followed the emergence of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and are deeply concerned about its impact on global health and wellbeing. We have watched as the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China, in particular, have worked diligently and effectively to rapidly identify the pathogen behind this outbreak, put in place significant measures to reduce its impact, and share their results transparently with the global health community. This effort has been remarkable.
We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health during the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in this together, with our Chinese counterparts in the forefront, against this new viral threat.
The rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins. We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have so many other emerging pathogens.
This is further supported by a letter from the presidents of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and by the scientific communities they represent. Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus. We support the call from the Director-General of WHO to promote scientific evidence and unity over misinformation and conjecture.
We want you, the science and health professionals of China, to know that we stand with you in your fight against this virus.
We invite others to join us in supporting the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of Wuhan and across China. Stand with our colleagues on the frontline!
We speak in one voice. To add your support for this statement, sign our letter online. LM is editor of ProMED-mail. We declare no competing interests.