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2月24日、ロシアのラブロフ外相は訪問中のヴェトナムで越中ロ3国のテレビ局とのインタビューに応じました。その中で、「日本は6月のプーチン訪日時に平和条約に関する枠組み協定(浅井注:「枠組み協定(a framework agreement)」という意味は不明)を結ぶという希望を述べてきている。このプランは実施されうるのだろうか。アメリカのミサイル防衛システムを配備するという日本の計画はロシアにとって大きな問題の一つだ。外交努力によってこの脅威は取り除くことができると思うか」という質問に対して、安倍首相、河野外相の名を挙げながら、「人為的な期限を設けることはいかなる問題についても支持したことはなく、そんな合意はまったくあり得ない…し、したこともない」「日本側が何について話しているのか分からない」「安倍首相は日本側の条件で平和条約問題を解決するべく断固計画していると国会で述べたが、彼がどうしてそう確信しているのか正直分からない」「そういう条件はまったく存在していない」と明確に述べました。

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview with Vietnam Television and China's CCTV and Phoenix TV, Moscow, February 24, 2019
Question: Japan has expressed hope that during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit in June, Russia and Japan will sign a framework agreement on a peace treaty. Do you think this plan can be implemented? Japan's plans to deploy the US missile defence system are among the major problems for Russia. Do you think diplomatic efforts can remove this threat?
Sergey Lavrov: Regarding Japan's announcement of their plans for Russian President Vladimir Putin's June visit to attend the G20 summit and to hold a regular meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, let this lie on their conscience. There were no agreements, and could not even be any, because we never support any artificial deadlines on any issue. We have repeatedly explained this to our Japanese colleagues. The last time I did this was recently in Munich, when we met with my colleague, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Taro Kono. Moreover, no one has ever seen any framework draft. I do not know what our Japanese neighbours are talking about.
Secondly, our position is very simple. Dealing with complex issues requires not only the proper atmosphere, but some real content for relations in the economy, politics and international affairs. If we look at the real situation, Shinzo Abe told the Parliament he definitely planned to resolve the peace treaty problem on Japanese terms. Honestly, I don't know what makes him so confident. Neither President Vladimir Putin, nor I, nor anyone else involved in Russian-Japanese consultations gave our Japanese colleagues grounds for making such a statement. The fact that Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe announced the need to speed up work on a peace treaty based on the 1956 Declaration during a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Singapore suggests the opposite: the negotiations are based on this document, not on some Japanese conditions. It clearly states that first of all a peace treaty has to be signed. And, as I have said many times, this means our Japanese neighbours need to recognise the results of WWII in their entirety, including the Russian Federation's sovereignty over all of the Kuril Islands, including the four islands of the Lesser Kuril Chain. It is strange that our Japanese colleagues do not want to agree with the results of WWII the way they are enshrined in the UN Charter. It says that everything that the victorious powers did is not to be discussed. Even if the Japanese have their own interpretation of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and other documents relating to this region, they have ratified the UN Charter. It would be wrong to withdraw ratification. This will not work.
In a broader context, we had an agreement primarily to create a new quality of relations. Japan joined a series of sanctions against the Russian Federation, although not all of them. This can hardly be considered a friendly move. In the UN, Japan votes with the United States on all resolutions directed against Russia, but opposes or abstains on projects proposed by Russia – that is, generally coordinates its position in the UN with Washington. We are not opposed to Japan cooperating with other countries, but the United States has declared Russia its main enemy – naturally, and China too.
Question: Is there any tangible US influence on Japan?
Sergey Lavrov: I do not know to what extent Japan is being influenced, but it is certainly being discussed. It was recently announced that at the end of May, US President Donald Trump is going to visit Japan, and one of the topics of the talks will be the peace treaty with the Russian Federation. If this is really so, it shows the extent of Japan's dependence, and I have nothing to add to that. Japan having a military alliance with the United States is also an important factor. It gives the US the right to deploy its armed forces anywhere in Japan and they are already deploying their missile defence system there, which creates risks for both Russia and China (we have spoken about this many times). I repeat, this is happening in a situation where the US has declared Russia its main adversary. It would be a mistake to ignore the fact that, contrary to the declared goal, this actually worsens the quality of our relations.
We are ready to continue the dialogue with our neighbour. We can see good potential here. We have very good cultural and humanitarian cooperation: the Russian Seasons and the Russian Culture Festival are very popular in Japan. We have quite good economic projects.
And my last point: among the agreements on ways to improve the quality of bilateral relations, there is one about the need to create a positive public image of each other. As stipulated in previous Russian-Japanese agreements, the decision on a peace treaty must be supported by the peoples of both countries. In this respect, terms such as "northern territories" and "illegal occupation" used in Japan not only in textbooks, but also in many government documents that underlie the activities of ministries and departments, actually work against this.
Recently, as you know, the Japanese government has been talking a lot about being close to achieving a result. Looking at the response this sparks in Russia, public opinion polls show how wrong it is to act the way our Japanese colleagues do, trying to impose their own vision of a solution. And yes, they even promise not to ask for compensation...
As President of Russia Vladimir Putin said in his message to the Federal Assembly on February 20, we will continue to do our best to achieve agreements that will provide conditions for a solution to the peace treaty problem that will be acceptable to the peoples of both countries. So far, we see that such conditions are totally absent.