










われわれは、朝米高位級会談などで平和的衛星打ち上げが長距離ミサイル発射の臨時中止に含まれないことを始終一貫主張してきた。 その結果、2月29日の朝米合意には「衛星打ち上げを含む長距離ミサイル発射」や「弾道ミサイル技術を利用した発射」ではなく「長距離ミサイル発射の臨時中止」と明記されたのである。

 私にとって唯一不可解なのは、2月29日の合意に至る過程で、この問題について米朝間でどのようなやりとりがあったかということです。すでにこのコラムで紹介しましたように、アメリカ国務省のヌランド報道官は3月16日の定期記者ブリーフの場で、「(米朝)合意交渉を進めている中で、我々はいかなる衛星打ち上げも取り引きをダメにするものだと考えることを明確に明らかにした。であるので、前提として(on the front end)、彼らはそのことを認識していた」と述べました。それに対して今回、朝鮮外務省スポークスマンは、「われわれは、朝米高位級会談などで平和的衛星打ち上げが長距離ミサイル発射の臨時中止に含まれないことを始終一貫主張してきた。 その結果、2月29日の朝米合意には「衛星打ち上げを含む長距離ミサイル発射」や「弾道ミサイル技術を利用した発射」ではなく「長距離ミサイル発射の臨時中止」と明記されたのである」と述べています。

DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Result of DPRK-U.S. Talks

Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Wednesday gave the following answer as regards questions raised by KCNA concerning the result of the latest DPRK-U.S. high-level talks:
Delegations of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United States of America (U.S.) met in Beijing, China on 23rd and 24th of February for the third round of the high-level talks between the DPRK and the U.S.
Present at the talks were the delegation of the DPRK headed by Kim Kye Gwan, the First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the delegation of the U.S. headed by Glyn Davies, the Special Representative of the State Department for the DPRK Policy.
The talks, continuation of the two previous DPRK-U.S. high-level talks held respectively in July and October, 2011, offered a venue for sincere and in-depth discussion of issues concerning the measures aimed at building confidence for the improvement of relations between the DPRK and the U.S. as well as issues related with ensuring peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and resumption of the six-party talks.
Both the DPRK and the U.S. reaffirmed their commitments to the September 19 Joint Statement and recognized that the 1953 Armistice Agreement is the cornerstone of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula until the conclusion of a peace treaty. Both the DPRK and the U.S. agreed to make a number of simultaneous moves aimed at building confidence as part of the efforts to improve the relations between the DPRK and the U.S.
The U.S. reaffirmed that it no longer has hostile intent toward the DPRK and that it is prepared to take steps to improve the bilateral relations in the spirit of mutual respect for sovereignty and equality.
The U.S. also agreed to take steps to increase people-to-people exchanges, including in the areas of culture, education, and sports.
The U.S. promised to offer 240,000 metric tons of nutritional assistance with the prospect of additional food assistance, for which both the DPRK and the U.S. would finalize the administrative details in the immediate future.
The U.S. made it clear that sanctions against the DPRK are not targeting the civilian sector, including the livelihood of people.
Once the six-party talks are resumed, priority will be given to the discussion of issues concerning the lifting of sanctions on the DPRK and provision of light water reactors.
Both the DPRK and the U.S. affirmed that it is in mutual interest to ensure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, improve the relations between the DPRK and the U.S., and push ahead with the denuclearization through dialogue and negotiations.
Both sides agreed to continue the talks.
The DPRK, upon request by the U.S. and with a view to maintaining positive atmosphere for the DPRK-U.S. high-level talks, agreed to a moratorium on nuclear tests, long-range missile launches, and uranium enrichment activity at Nyongbyon and allow the IAEA to monitor the moratorium on uranium enrichment while productive dialogues continue.

Press Statement  Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson February 29, 2012

A U.S. delegation has just returned from Beijing following a third exploratory round of U.S.-DPRK bilateral talks. To improve the atmosphere for dialogue and demonstrate its commitment to denuclearization, the DPRK has agreed to implement a moratorium on long-range missile launches, nuclear tests and nuclear activities at Yongbyon, including uranium enrichment activities. The DPRK has also agreed to the return of IAEA inspectors to verify and monitor the moratorium on uranium enrichment activities at Yongbyon and confirm the disablement of the 5-MW reactor and associated facilities.
The United States still has profound concerns regarding North Korean behavior across a wide range of areas, but today's announcement reflects important, if limited, progress in addressing some of these. We have agreed to meet with the DPRK to finalize administrative details necessary to move forward with our proposed package of 240,000 metric tons of nutritional assistance along with the intensive monitoring required for the delivery of such assistance.
The following points flow from the February 23-24 discussions in Beijing:
The United States reaffirms that it does not have hostile intent toward the DPRK and is prepared to take steps to improve our bilateral relationship in the spirit of mutual respect for sovereignty and equality.
The United States reaffirms its commitment to the September 19, 2005 Joint Statement.
The United States recognizes the 1953 Armistice Agreement as the cornerstone of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
U.S. and DPRK nutritional assistance teams will meet in the immediate future to finalize administrative details on a targeted U.S. program consisting of an initial 240,000 metric tons of nutritional assistance with the prospect of additional assistance based on continued need.
The United States is prepared to take steps to increase people-to-people exchanges, including in the areas of culture, education, and sports.
U.S. sanctions against the DPRK are not targeted against the livelihood of the DPRK people.


North Korea's announcement that it plans to conduct a missile launch in direct violation of its international obligations is highly provocative. UN Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874 clearly and unequivocally prohibit North Korea from conducting launches that use ballistic missile technology. Such a missile launch would pose a threat to regional security and would also be inconsistent with North Korea's recent undertaking to refrain from long-range missile launches. We call on North Korea to adhere to its international obligations, including all relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. We are consulting closely with our international partners on next steps.

