WiSP hints for uploading with HW_VSP3

Hard TNC による WiSP uploading については、My_HP No.660 を参照ください。
自局では Hard TNC を使わず、Soft TNC で WiSP の運用が Windows 10 (64bit)
上で実現できています。仮想バーチャル COMポートを設定しているところが肝要

 HS_SoundModem Ver0.19 → HW_VSP3 → WiSP3215  (My_HP No.968, 969, 970)

次の段階として、WiSP(GSC) でメッセージを作成して、衛星にアップロードする
の手順で正しく WiSP(GSC) で作成されているという前提でその先を述べます。

 GSC - Programs - Message Maker - Message Data
           - Edit - メモ帳 - ファイル - 上書き保存 - Send


MSPE によるアップロード要求が衛星に届くと、自動的に Upload Status の画面
がポップアップし、最初は全ての項目の値が 0 になっています。 これは正常な
"Approx.time remaining" の欄に棒グラフが右に伸びていきます。 1回のパスで


 例えば、 Hello,
      de JE9PEL from Japan.

この 2行だけでも、何度もリトライを繰り返します。気長に数回のパスでアップ
をチャレンジします。 途中までアップロードできたファイルサイズは、WiSP と
繰り返し積み上げていく概念です。 WiSP では、次のようにして大まかなアップ

 GSC - Housekeeping - View Upload Status - Satellite

Filename の欄に、WiSP と衛星の両者に認知されたファイル名が表示されます。
次の画像の例では、10F2.PUL となっていますが、これは 一部アップロード中と
拡張子が OUT のままです。アップロードが完了すると拡張子は UL となります。


つまり、ファイルの拡張子は OUT → PUL → UL です。これは自動的に変化して
いきます。拡張子が UL になれば ファイルは衛星に認知され、WiSP でもアップ

 GSC - Programs - View Directory - Select Satellite

実際には、各局のアップロードメッセージが納められている衛星内の Directory
の一覧を、衛星からダウンロードするのにも一苦労します。 この Directory は
MSPE が自動的にダウンロード要求をして、これも同じ『繰り返し積み上げ方式』

WiSP directory maintenance for uploading, by JE9PEL

1- Do "File Housekeeping" and "Directory Maintenance".
2- Delete any PUL (partial) and ULX (could not upload) file.
3- Delete "MSPE Dir Holes.DAT" in C:\wisp\(satellite) folder.
4- Change to [N] the unnecessary files at Status[S] in View-Dir.
5- It also works well on Windows10, 64bit OS.


[amsat-bb] Falconsat-3 users--tip for Directory requests
From: Mark L. Hammond
Thu Nov 9 23:11:02 UTC 2017

Hello fellow FS-3 Users,
Great to see all the use of the BBS!
It's robust and fun, so glad you all are using it. It's seeing
use around the world, based on the calls of the uploads. Super.

I do want to share a tip, based on personal experience, with the PBBS.
Observation---it seems like the Directory can never be fully updated;
your station keeps requesting a directory update but there are still
"holes" that it can't seem to fill.

Solution---in GSC, go to Housekeeping/Directory Maintenance, select
Falconsat-3, and "check" the Remove Holes option, and then click "OK".
That will get you past the hiccup that seems to show up from time to time.

I have to do this about once every week or two at N8MH. I've seen some
of you in the "queue" for the full duration of the passes, so I expect
that you are stuck and can't quite it updated.  Please do the above...

FS-3 is quite reliable and the bird has been operating over 2 years
continuously since the last upload of the filesystem.  Quite a feat...
AO-51 used to go for weeks or even months at a time, but we've never
seen an uptime like this:
PHT: uptime is 741/17:58:23.  Time is Thu Nov 09 23:04:02 2017

Enjoy our "new" bird!

Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]
FS-3, AO-85 command station

[amsat-bb] WISP - Resetting the directory
From: Chris Thompson, g0kla
Fri Jan 5 23:56:14 UTC 2018

Hi everyone,....

I had some trouble with WISP after the BBS reload.  I was no longer
downloading any new directory entries.  I tried resetting the holes and
resetting the date of the directory, but nothing seemed to work.  I then
noticed this in the Pacsat Protocol, describing which file headers are

"The local computer then sends a message to PACSAT that says send the next
file whose header meets the following criteria: it's a mail message type.
the destination is me. and the file number is bigger than x?.  x is the
number of the last file received on the ground, and is kept by the local
computer. ".

The problem was, the last file on the ground still had a 4 digit hex
number in my directory but the new files on FS-3 all started at 100.
So WISP was asking for new fiiles that did not exist yet.

To fix this I had to start the directory again.

In my C:\WISP directory I renamed the falconsat-3 directory to a new name
as a backup.  Then I started GSC, went into Setup, Satellite Setup, Edited
Falconsat-3, clicked on Directories.  Then clicked OK.  This seemed to
cause GSC to recreate all the falconsat-3 directories under C:\WISP.

After that everything has been running well.

Some people who are stuck may not be able to download this!
So I will cross post to..AMSAT-BB.

73, Chris

[Referens] WiSP hints for uploading with TNC

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