I, JE9PEL have put together the satellites to be launched in the first half of 2014. I wrote here today, 8 Feb 2014, the scheduled launch day and time of the satellites. The launch can occur several days earlier or later, and the time is also an estimate. It is a heavy snow today and the snow is still falling now over Japan. (C)Zarya, IARU 02:00UTC 10cm 06:00UTC 20cm 08:00UTC 30cm~40cm JAXA H-IIA(F-23) 27 Feb 2014, 18:37 UTC, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan STARS-II, Kagawa University Mother 437.405MHz 1200bps AFSK, 437.245MHz CW Daughter 437.425MHz 1200bps AFSK, 437.255MHz CW http://stars1.eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp/english/top.html ShindaiSat, Shinsyu University Downlink 437.305MHz 1200bps AFSK, 437.485MHz CW http://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/shindaisat/ http://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/faculty/engineering/chair/elec006/ TeikyoSat-3, Teikyou University Downlink 437.450MHz FM,CW http://club.uccl.teikyo-u.ac.jp/~space_system_society/ http://club.uccl.teikyo-u.ac.jp/~space_system_society/teikyosat-3e.html KSAT2, Kagoshima University (non-amateur) Downlink S,Ku-band, 200kbps,1Mbps G1D http://leo.sci.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/~n-lab/KSAT-HP/Ksat2_E.html OPUSAT, Osaka Prefecture University Donwlink 437.150MHz 1200bps AFSK, 9600bps GFSK, 400bps FSK,CW http://www.sssrc.aero.osakafu-u.ac.jp/E_SSSRC_HP/projects/CanSat/home.html ARTSAT1-INVADER, Tama Art University Downlink 437.200MHz 1200bps AFSK, 437.325MHz CW http://artsat.jp/ http://hive.ntticc.or.jp/2012 http://ji1izr.air-nifty.com/ham_satellite/2012/12/artsat1.html http://ji1izr.air-nifty.com/ham_satellite/2013/01/12-57b4.html http://heiseiturezuregusa.blog.ocn.ne.jp/a/2013/03/39_018d.html ITF-1, Tsukuba University Downlink 437.525MHz CW http://yui.kz.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Super Strypi(SPARK) Launch was postponed to 2015 from 1 April 2014. Pacific Missile Range - Kokole Point, Kauai, Hawaii Argus, Saint Louis University, USA 437.290MHz 1200bps AFSK, 2403.000-2403.400MHz Spread spectrum http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/argus.htm EDSN (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks), Santa Clara University, USA 437.100MHz 1200bps AFSK, 2401.200-2431.200MHz http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/small_spacecraft/edsn.html HawaiiSat-1 (HiakaSat-1), University of Hawaii Uplinks and Downlinks on both VHF and UHF, 9600bps GFSK High speed S Band downlink using High Rate Telemetry Downlink: Data Rate: 1.5Mbps Modulation: QPSK FEC: Viterbi r=1/2,k=7 ITU Emission http://www.hsfl.hawaii.edu/wordpress/missions-2/hawaiisat-1/ ORS-Squared, COSMIAC at the University, New Mexico 437.325MHz 9600bps GMSK http://cosmiac.org/space-missions/ors-squared/ PrintSat, Montana State University, USA 437.325MHz 9600bps GMSK http://amsat-uk.org/2012/06/08/printsat-an-amateur-radio-3d-printer-cubesat/ STU-1, ShanghaiTech University, China 436.360MHz 9600bps GMSK, 2402.000-2445.000MHz http://www.hsfl.hawaii.edu/HSFL_missions.html Falcon 9 v1.1 14 Apr 2014, 20:58 UTC, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, USA CRS-3 (Dragon C5), SpaceX KickSat, Cornell University, 437.505MHz, 2401.000-2436.200MHz, 1200bps AFSK Sprites, Cornell University, 437.240MHz, 125bps MSK All-Star/THEIA, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, 2401.700MHz Hermes-2, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, 437.425MHz SporeSat, Santa Clara University, 437.100MHz, 2401.200-2431.200MHz Phonesat 2.5, NASA Ames Research Center, 437.425MHz, 2401.200-2431.200MHz LMRSat, Jet Propulsion Laboratory TechCube-1, NASA Goddard TSAT (TestSat-Lite), Taylor University AMSAT-UK 2014, Mar.13, Mar.03 Mar.21, NASA ELaNa pdf JAXA H-IIA(F-24) 24 May 2014, 03:05 UTC, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan SPROUT, Nihon University Uplink 144 band 1200bps AFSK, 9600bps GMSK Downlink 430 band 1200bps AFSK, 9600bps GMSK Digitalker, Digipeater, SSTV, Packet http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/sprout/ RISING-2, Tohoku University (non-amateur) Uplink UHF 1200bps Downlink S-Band, 0.1W, typical 38400bps Bitrate 9600-96000bps http://www.astro.mech.tohoku.ac.jp/RISING-2/ UNIFORM-1, Wakayama University (non-amateur) http://www.wakayama-u.ac.jp/ifes/news/20120328.html SOCRATES, AES Co., Ltd. (non-amateur) http://www.aes.co.jp/company/ Dnepr 19 Jun 2014, 19:11 UTC, Dombarovsky SC, Russia AMSAT-UK announced the first Brazilian CubeSat NanosatC-Br1 is planned to launch on a Dnepr rocket from Dombarovsky near Yasny in June 2014. together with many Multiple Small Satellites. I, JE9PEL introduce here these satellites in the order. (C)AMSAT-UK, Zarya, Spaceflight 1. AeroCube6 (non-amateur) The Aerospace Corporation, USA 2. ANTELSat Antel (the national telecom service provider) and FING (Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad de la Republica), Uruguay 437.575MHz 1200bps AFSK, 2403.000MHz 1Mbit GFSK/MSK, 437.280MHz CW http://iie.fing.edu.uy/investigacion/grupos/lai/Ham.html http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ei7m-wkt/numbr795.htm 3. AprizeSat-9,10 (non-amateur) SpaceQuest, USA 4. BRITE-Toronto(CANX-3E) (non-amateur) UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies), Canada 5. BRITE-Montreal(CANX-3F) (non-amateur) UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies), Canada 6. BugSat-1 Satellogic S.A., Argentina 437.445MHz 9600bps GMSK http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=376 7. Deimos-2 (non-amateur) Satrec Initiative (SATRECI), Spain 8. DTUsat-2 National Space Institute at the Technical University, Denmark Uplink 1268.900MHz 9k6 CPFSK, Downlink 2401.835MHz 1k2,19k2,38k4 MSK http://www.dtusat.dtu.dk/ http://www.roguesat.dk/index.php/dtusat2-overview/ 9. DUCHIFAT Herzliya Science Center, Israel Uplink 435.220MHz, Downlink 145.825/145.980MHz 1200bps BPSK,CW http://www.h-space-lab.org/php/index-en.php http://www.madaim.org.il/hsl/php/duchifat1-en.php http://www.madaim.org.il/hsl/pdf/duchifat1-en.pdf 10.ESTELLE University of Tartu, Estonia UHF GMSK/BPSK downlinks up to 19k2 bps and a series of HDRT experiments including 2.4GHz downlink using GFSK/BPSK at up to 1Mbps, 5.8GHz downlink using GFSK and BPSK at up to 10Mbps and 10GHz downlink at up to 10Mbps 11.Flock 1C 1-11 (non-amateur) Planet Labs, USA 145.825MHz, 2.4GHz http://www.spaceflight101.com/flock-1.html 12.Hodoyoshi-3,4 (non-amateur) University of Tokyo, Japan 13.KazEOSat-1 (non-amateur) Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary (KGS), Kazakhstan 14.Kompsat-3A(Arirang-3A) (non-amateur) Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), South Korea 15.Lemur-1 (non-amateur) 3U Technology and Earth observation CubeSat, USA 16.NanosatC-Br1 Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil Uplink UHF 1200bps FM, Downlink 145.865MHz 1200bps BPSK,CW http://www.inpe.br/crs/nanosat/ 17.PACE National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 437.485MHz 1200bps AFSK,CW http://satellite.ncku.edu.tw/pace/en/home.htm 18.Perseus-M1/M2 (non-amateur) Dauria Aerospace, Russia & Canopus Systems, USA Perseus-M1: 400.160MHz 9600bps GFSK Perseus-M2: 400.190MHz 9600bps GFSK http://www.dauriaspace.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8dANKZ4HcY 19.PolyITAN-1 National Technical University, Ukraine 437.675MHz 9600bps 2FSK,CW http://polyitan-1.blogspot.jp/ 20.POPSAT-HIP1 Microspace Rapid Pte Ltd. Singapore 437.405MHz 1200bps 9600bps CCSDS,CW http://www.pop-sat.com/ http://amsat-uk.org/2012/08/13/popsat-hip1-vibration-test-video/ 21.QB50p1/FUNCube-3 The Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium 435.035-435.065MHz transponder uplink 145.935-145.965MHz transponder downlink 145.815MHz 1200bps BPSK packets http://www.qb50.eu/index.php/news http://amsat-uk.org/2014/06/16/funcube-3-payload-launch-information/ 22.QB50p2 The Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium 145.880MHz 1200bps BPSK 145.840MHz 9600bps FSK http://www.isispace.nl/HAM/qb50p.html 23.SaudiSat-4 Saudi National Satellite Technology Program (NSTP), Saudi Arabia Ka-Band Transponders 24.Serpens (non-amateur) 3U Technology Cubesat, Brazil 25.SkySat-3 (non-amateur) Skybox Imaging, USA 26.TabletSat-Aurora (TabletSat-2U-EO) Russian technology demonstration satellite 435.550/436.100/437.050MHz 9600bps GMSK, D-STAR repeater http://tinyurl.com/TabletSat-Aurora-Description http://www.sputnix.ru/en/projects/microsatellite-demonstrator/ 27.TigriSat La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy / Iraq 435.000MHz 9600bps FSK http://www.tigrisatcubesat.com/ 28.UniSat-6 GAUSS, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 437.425MHz 9600bps GMSK http://www.gaussteam.com/category/unisat-6/ 29.UNSA-SAT1 QB50 & Instituto Astronomico y Aeroespacial Pedro Paulet, Peru Downlink 3.4GHz 230kbps BPSK PSLV-CA (PSLV-C23) 30 Jun 2014, 04:22 UTC, Satish Dhawan (Sriharikota) SC, India AISat Aerospace Center Bremen, University of Applied Science, Germany Downlink 437.250/511MHz CW http://www.qrz.com/db/DP0AIS http://www.dlr.de/irs/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-9335/16060_read-39531/ CanX-4/5 University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) Space Flight Laboratory, Canada Downlink 145.890/437.365/2234.400MHz, 32Kbps-256Kbps BPSK Frequency Source CanX-4/-5 - T-Space - University of Toronto eoPortal Directory, Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment-4&5 VELOX-I Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 100mm x 100mm x 340mm (N-Sat), 60mm x 70mm x 30mm (P-Sat) P-Sat: Downlink 145.980MHz 9600bps FSK,CW http://www.sarc.eee.ntu.edu.sg/Project/Pages/VELOX-I.aspx IiNUSat Indonesian inter University, Indonesia Uplink 145.950MHz, Downlink 436.915MHz, 1200bps 9600bps 2FSK http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6632574 Soyuz-2.1b, Fregat-M 8 Jul 2014, 15:58 UTC, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan AISSat-2, University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies, Norway Baumanets-2, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia DX-1, Dauria Aerospace, Russia FUNcube-2, UK Space Agency, UK Meteor-M N2, NPP VNIIEM, Russia M3MSat, CSA/COM DEV, Canada Relek (MKA-PN-2), Lavochkin, Russia SkySat-2, Skybox Imaging, USA TechDemoSat-1, SSTL, UK UKube-1, UK Space Agency, UK Venta-1, Ventspils University, Latvia UKube-1 Transponder uplink 435.060 - 435.080 MHz Transponder downlink 145.960 - 145.940 MHz (Inverting) Telemetry downlink 145.840 1200bps BPSK S Band downlink 2401.000 QPSK or OQPSK myPocketQub 437.425 - 437.525 MHz http://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/u/ukube-1 http://amsat-uk.org/2014/07/03/ukube-1-launch-information/ http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/ukube1fu.htm FUNcube-2 boards subsystem Transponder uplink 435.060 - 435.080 MHz Transponder downlink 145.950 - 145.930 MHz (Inverting) Telemetry downlink 145.915 1200bps BPSK http://amsat-uk.org/2012/10/20/funcube-2-boards-delivered-to-clyde-space/ DX-1 Uplink Command and Control 144.975 - 145.025 MHz Downlink Telemetry data 434.975 - 435.025 MHz Uplink AIS ship tracking RX 162.0125 - 162.0375 MHz Downlink data1 2269.500 - 2270.500 MHz Downlink data2 438.225 9600bps GFSK http://habrahabr.ru/company/dauria/blog/228669/ http://amsat-uk.org/2014/04/27/dx-1-microsatellite-baikonur/ Venta-1 Spacecraft 275x275x100mm cube with 500x400mm solar panel on top Downlink 437.325MHz http://www.vatp.lv/en/latvia-s-first-satellite-venta-1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_9Cl5EFdo4