Ishigaki Island in Okinawa #6

Living since 2 April 2020

Crested Serpent Eagle  23 May 2020

I saw a "Crested Serpent Eagle" for the first time today. The above photo was       
taken this morning with the smartphone zoom function from the window of my room.    
It is a special natural monument of Japan and has been designated as the endangered 
species. It lives only in Okinawa in Japan. About 100 birds live in Ishigaki Island.

Uganzaki Lighthouse  24 May 2020


Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher  24 May 2020

I found the high-pitched cry of "Kyororororo, Kyorororororo" that I hear every night.    
It's "Ryukyu Akashobin" in Japanese, ie. it's "Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher" in English.      
It has a fiery red beak, and its whole body has a purplish red-brown color. They are     
the summer birds that comes from Southeast Asia and breeds in forests throughout Okinawa.
They are near endangered species.                                                 

Tree Nymph Butterfly  29 May 2020

This is a butterfly that is designated as a "City Butterfly" in Ishigaki City, and it is 
the largest butterfly in Japan with a wing spread of about 15 cm. I saw a flying fluffy  
near my office this morning. Pupae are famous for shining in a golden color like a jewel.                                         


 Ishigaki Island in Okinawa #7

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