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 @hPoem of Mts.YATSUGADAKEh@@‚n‚m‚a‚`‚r‚g‚h‚q‚`@‚r‚‚…‚ƒ‚‰‚‚Œ

Onbashira Festival 2010
Trip of The Sacred, Huge logs in 2010D
 Suwa Grand Shrine Festival has 1,200 years' history.
It is held in every six years, Monkey and Tiger.

People in Suwa  were prepared  for this Tiger year of  2010.
They are very religious and believe  God of Onbashira sincerely. 
Bad luck, bad weather, and various disasters will come  if they mistreat God.

Show here the 3 days march of Honmiya-4's trip, from mountain to town.
The sacred huge log "Honmiya-4" carry about 13km long by man-power only.

 Preparation mMake upn for The Sacred logs Trip

          Onbashira  Honmiya 4, name of this sacred log, is 13m long, 2.4m circle, and weigh over 6 ton. March 31,2010.

  First day of The Trip    Apr. 2, 2010.

9:00am.the march powered 1000 people start to downward in heavy rain with fog.

 1 hour after   People are splashed with mud, and their fever boil out steam around the sacred log.

After 3 hour  Honmiya-4 bring out of forest into the fields, rising up steam instead of rain.

Lunch time   
Service Point
  Water, wine, milk, light meal are served at road side for marching people. 

The second day march

Man-power was up, because people gathered great number as its turned fine. But where marching root
 went into a village,  Honmiya-4 meets many obstacles, electric wire, end of roof, house fence and big
 sharp curve.  So Honmiya-4 gain a few kiro-meter advance in this day..

The third day  
The sacred log Honmiya-4 slide down slope and closing river.

Ceremony before Kiotoshi ( slide down Kiotoshi-slope)

Smoke caused by fire-work. It's not a cloud of dust.

People cried for joy "Yoisa! Yoisa!"

River water was about five degrees.

People, men and women, young and old pull hard their cord together, for drawing up Honmiya-4 from
river bank.
Here is the end terminal of 3 days march "Onbashia Yashiki".
The sacred log Onbashira stay here for a month, and will  continue more 3 days march to the grand
 shrine Suwataisha kamisha. That trip is called Satohiki Fest. on May. @


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Ver.‚P        May 26A2010.

Copy Right     A.‚gattori  2010




