

救難信号を受けてアマゴサステーションに急行したものの、既に破壊されていました。 生存者の中にソラン博士がいます。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Tolian Soran:ドクター

R : It looks like we're too late.
Wo: There are no other ships in the system.
R : Captain, we're approching Amagosa. It looks like the observatory took quite a beating.
P : Survivers?
Da: Sensors show five life signs aboard the station, Captain.
R : The station's complement was 19.
P : Stand down from red alert. Number one, will you begin an investigation? I'll be in my ready room.
R : Sir?
P : Make it so.
R : I thought you might ...
P : Just do it!
R : Mr. Worf.
Wo: Aye, sir.

R : Mr. Worf, you're with me.
Wo: These blast patterns are consistent with the type-3 disruptor.
R : Great. That narrows it down to Romulan, Breen, and Klingon.
Wo: Over here! It's all right. Do not struggle.
R : Okay. We're right here. Got ya. I'm Commander William Riker from the Starship Enterprise.
So: Soran, Dr. Tolian Soran.
R : Who attacked you, Doctor?
So: I don't know. It all happened so fast.
??: Commander? Better take a look at this.
Wo: Romulans.

Ge: Data, whatever possessed you to push her in the water in the first place?
Da: I was attempting to get into the spirit of things. I thought it would be amusing. Spot. Is she still angry?
Ge: I'd stay out of sickbay for a couple of days if I were you.
Ge: Data, you're not actually thinking about using that thing, are you?
Da: I have considered it for many months, and in light of my recent episode with Dr. Crusher, now may be the appropriate time.
Ge: I thought you were worried about it overloading your neural net.
Da: That is true. However, I believe my growth as an artificial life form has reached an impasse. For 34 years, I have endeavored to become more human, to grow beyond my original programing. Still, I am unable to grasp such a basic concept as humor. This emotion chip may be the only answer. Geordi.
Ge: All right. Listen, at the first sign of trouble, I'm gonna deactivate it. Agreed?
Da: Agreed.

By rinrin
