Welcome to my page.

Welcome is HIRAGANA for the word "welcome" or KANJI for the word "welcome"in Japanese.
The left one is HIRAGANA for the word "welcome" and the right one is KANJI for it.

The Internet Public Library

English expressions

I met English gentlemen who eager to study Japanese on eQSO, Bill-san ( G0GJQ ) and Ant-san ( 2E0IFJ ).
and I thought I would like to make pages regarding Language.

Bill-san ( G0GJQ ) gave me a very nice website for Learning Japanese and also other Foreign Languages.
Aug. 10, 2004

Bill-san's ( G0GJQ ) comment about the above site
Please look at my new link  "Languages".
It gives much Japanese learning power.
ALSO! If you look to the left of the menu (Where it says "HELLO!"  it goes on in many other languages also.
Basically it was for kids, but if you look deeper into the programme,it gives links to online lessons. Even has sound pronounciation! 
I shall improve daily (Even for a gaijin) LOL.
Watakushie wa, Bill, desu