
a statue of Robin Hood

I like Kiyoshiro Imawano. Probably you can't understand why I suddenly mention his name, but it was he who drew my attention to Nottingham. When I was a girl, I read an article in a magazine, which showed me his favorite novels with his recommended comments. He listed Alan Sillitoe's "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" as well as Updike's "Rabbit, Run" and Hesse's "unterm rad". I felt a lot of sympathy with the main character, Arthur. He is in his early 20's and works for a factory.

He had often heard Friday described as Black Friday....
and wondered why this should be.... "black" would be more fitting if applied to Monday.
Black Monday. Then, there would be some sense in it.
(Adapted from Alan Sillitoe : "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning")

Sillitoe was an author who was born in Nottingham. Therefore, his novel is set in Nottingham. When I saw the monochrome film, "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning", which was shown by some voluntary group, I began to want to see the industrial region for myself. The main actor was Albert Finney and the film was made in line with the original novel. "Where is the forest which Arthor has a secret date with his coworker's wife?", I began to wonder.
Besides, Sherwood forest, which D. H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley" takes place in and Robin Hood played an active part in is near to Nottingham. Hence, Sillitow's forest may be the same forest, I thought. Therefore, I decided to visit and find out.
However, I took a day return from London to Nottingham. In addition, I used the bus because it was cheaper than the train. It took me about three hours each way. Therefore, I could see only inside the town feeling uneasy about return trip. I visited Nottingham Castle and saw the Museum of Social History and the Museum of Costumes & Textiles both of which are near the castle--but my visit was a brief one. All too soon it was time to return.
After that, everytime I visited England, I thought that I would go to Nottingham again and would visit the forest and walk in the industrial region which Sillitoe's novel took place. However, the years have passed quickly.
If somebody knows about this area well, please give me some advice. I really want to go there and see it.


I got lost on the way to Nottingham castle. At that time, a kind old woman passed by. It was about ten years ago. My English ability was very poor, so I didn't understand her explanation about the way to castle. She probably couldn't leave me alone because I didn't understand everything she had said. Then, she said "I am going to go in the opposite direction, but...." and took me to the front of the castle. Thank you very much for your kindness. I'm still grateful to you.

Nottingham Castle


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Trip to England