St. Ives & Penzance

St. Ives 1 : Thus, I stayed at "Bay View".
On my fourth trip to England, I thought that I wanted to visit Penzance and St. Ives. It takes 5 and a half hours from London. At that time, I planed to go by myself, I wanted to book a B&B in advance. However, "GIO GLOBE TROTTER"*, which I have always refered to, didn't list any B&B, so I decided to try a guest house which in "Mother Goose Koronda"**, the authorshad introduced. They said that they had stayed at Bay View in Penzance. The information didn't include its telephone number, so, after I arrived in London, firstly, I asked the tourist information centre at Victoria which number I should call for Directory Inquires. Next, I telephoned and asked for the number of "Bay View".
"Bay View", I got an answser. I said, "I want to book a single room with a shower." "I'm sorry, but we have only double rooms." I thought that I couldn't find another B&B, so I asked her, "How much is a double room?" "Twenty six pounds." "So, If I pay twenty six pounds, can I book a room?" After a while, she answered, "OK. I'll offer you a room for thirteen pounds." Wow! I was extremely happy. Probably, she offered me for cheaper price, because it was spring, which isn't the peak tourist season. I asked her how to get there. "Are you in London now? Therefore, when you arrive at St. Erth, you should change trains." "Change the train? I think that your B&B is in Penzance." "No. Our B&B is in St. Ives." "Really? I planed to book a B&B in Penzance." "So, do you still want to book?" "Well, I want to think about it." After I hung up, I telephoned Directory Inquires again and asked "I want to know the telephone number of "Bay View" in Penzance." The answer was very quick. Therefore, I didn't catch it. I said, to him, "Would you tell me the number more slowly?" He said, "Did you call just a few minutes ago?" "Yes, But the number you told me was the number of "Bay View" in St. Ives. The number which I want to know is the number in Penzance." "However, there isn't another "Bay View" in that area." "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "Does it mean that they have stopped the B&B? Or don't they have a telephone?" Anyway, it was clear that I couldn't book a room at "Bay View" in Penzance when I was in London. I had thought that Penzance was a convinient place to visit some sightseeing spots, but St. Ives seemed to be a more beautiful town than Penzance. "I'll telephone "Bay View" in St. Ives and book a room" Thus, I stayed at "Bay View" in St. Ives, not in Penzance by chance.
(The picture above is the living room in "Bay View". I could see the sea from the windows.)

* "GIO GLOBE TROTTER" is a series of Japanese books which talks about travelling in each country all over the wolrd. There is a lot of valuable information which is written by many of it's readers.
** "Mother Goose Koronda" is a title of a Japanese book which was published by Tokyo Sogensha.

St. Ives 2 : I experienced a Rail Strike for the first time.
At first, I planed to stay for 2 nights in St. Ives. However, on the second morning, when I went down to the dining room, soon, Lucy, the proprietor of the B&B, said to me, "You said that you would go back tomorrow. However, I think it isn't possible because there will be a Rail Strike. Therefore, you should decide, whether you'll go back today or the day after tomorrow." Really? I was upset. I had just arrived there yesterday afternoon, so I hadn't seen anything really. I hadn't seen Penzance and moreover, hadn't been to St. Michael's Mount. Therefore, I thought that I had no choice except staying for 3 nights. However, I suddenly remembered that I had already bought a coach ticket to Cambridge for the following day. Probably, I couldn't cancel the ticket. Besides, I had already booked a B&B in London. I went down and said, "I'll go back to London today." Lucy said, "Really? You haven't done any sightseeing, have you? Is it OK for you?" Lucy was a heavy smoker and spoke brusquely, so she has a little frightening atmosphere. "Do you think so? Ha-ha. Maybe, I should stay here for more 2 nights." Then, Lucy smiled as if she said, "Um-hum. Nobody can leave St. Ives just for one day!".
At first, I telephoned the B&B in London to cancel my reservation. After that, I went to a bus company near the station and asked if I could change the day of a coach ticket. The employee answered, "Yes, you can.", so I was relieved. I had to pay one pound fifty as a fee, but it was better than wasting the coach ticket which cost me twelve pounds fifty. Finally, on the second day, I didn't have enough time to go to St. Michael's Mount and Land's End because I had a lot of things to do. Strangely, after I experienced such trouble, gradually, I began to feel more confident, "I can manage everything."
On the fourth day, I decided to leave for London early in the morning because my stay became longer than I had planed. Because the departure time was earlier than the breakfast time, I said to Lucy, "Tomorrow, I'm going to leave here early, so I don't need breakfast.". Then she asked me what time I was leaving. I was freaked out by her question and told her the time. The next morning, she got up early and made breakfast for me! Thank you so very much!! Moreover, because it rained a little, she asked her husband to take me to the station. "Sorry, I thought that you had a frightening atmosphere. I found out that you were a very gentle and kind person."
By the way, the rail fare in England varies on the day and the time we use the service. Because of the strike, I went back to London on Saturday, not on Friday, so, the rail fare became cheaper. The station employee in St. Ives advised me, "If you go back on Saturday, the fare is cheaper, so you should ask in Paddington to give you some refund." Wow, lucky!! I thought that they would give the refund in cash, but the station employee in Paddington said that they would send a check to the address which I gave about one month later. "But, I live in Japan." "That's OK. We'll send it by airmail. However, it is international money.", he smiled. The refund was for six pounds. Finally, I received it when I had forgotten all about it. However, if I want to change it to money in Japan, the bank took almost a half of the total amount as a fee. I think that I received only about five hundred yen. However, I still remember that the station employee in England was really honest.

St. Ives 3 : I met a pretty boy at a laundromat.
When I visited St. Ives for the first time, I travelled by myself for about 3 weeks. I couldn't carry 3 week underwear, so I planed to use a laundromat. While I was waiting for my wash to finish, I was reading a book. Suddenly, a child's voice asked me. "What are you reading?" I lifted my face and found a pretty little boy there. He continued to talk, "My mammy is washing clothes." Then, he said, "Probably, you don't know, but..." and took out a red minicar from under his hip. Actually, he was very cute, so I got his mother's permission to take his photo. He is cute. Don't you think?
It was about 10 years ago. Probably, he has become a handsome teenager. Hey, boy, if you find this photo, don't say that I infringe on his portrait right, please!

Penzance : "If you want to buy some stationery, you should go to W.H. Smith."
When I travelled alone for the first time, I put every photo in order in some albums after I had had them printed in a post card size. I wanted to write some comments on the photos before I forget any details, so I needed a oily felt tip pen. However, I didn't know where to go. I asked a man walking on the street. "Where can I buy some stationery?" He answered, "You should go to W. H. Smith. You'll find it on your right hand side after you go down the street." W. H. Smith?! I said, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't catch the name." "W. H. Smith!", he said. "W. H. Smith?" "Yes, W. H. Smith!" I'm at lost because he told me a person's name. "Sorry, but I want to know the shop's name." He began to laugh in a loud voice immediately after my question. "Ha ha ha. W. H. Smith is the shop's name!"
Yes! If you've been to England, you probably know. W. H. Smith is a chain store@which deals with stationery, books and so on. You'll find them everywhere in England. When I remember the episode, I sometimes chuckle. However, at that time, I was completely at a loss.


to St. Ives

to Penzance

to the TOP

Trip to England