

どうやらボーグは、この時代のボーグと連絡をとろうとしているようです。もし連絡を とることができたら、ピカード達に勝ち目はありませんね。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズE艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Worf:対Borg戦用戦闘艦「Defiant」号を指揮、Lieutenant Commander(少佐)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Lily Sloane:Cochraneの相棒。21世紀の人。Picardとの出会いが双方にとって大きな出会いとなる。

Wo: Captain.
Cr: Jean-Luc.
P: Reports of my assimilation are greatly exaggerated. I found something you lost.
Wo: I am a Klingon.
P: Mr. Worf, report.
Wo: The Borg control over half the ship. We have tried to restore power to the bridge and the weapons systems, but we have been unsuccessful.
P: We have another problem. I've accesssed to a Borg neuro-processor, and I've discovered what they're trying to do. They're transforming the deflector dish into an interplexing beacon.
H: Interplexing?
P: It's a subspace transmitter. If they activate the beacon, they'll be able to establsih a link with the Borg living in this century.
Cr: But in the 21 century, the Borg are still in the delta quadrant.
P: They'll send reinforcements. Humanity will be an easy target. Attack the Earth in the past to assimulate the future.
Wo: Then we must destroy the defletor dish before they can activate the beacon.
P: We can't get to deflector control or a shuttlecraft. Mr. Worf, do you remember your zero-G combat training?
Wo: I remember it made me sick to my stomach. What are you suggesting?
P: I think it's time that we took a little stroll.

Ge: Hang on. There's a humanoid life sign up ahead. 511 meters.
R: Cochrane?
Ge: Um-hum. It's him all right.

Wo: I have remodulated the pulse emitters. But I do not believe we will get more than one or two shots before the Borg adapt.
P: Then we must make every shot count. Magnetize.
Li: Watch your caboose, Dix.
P: I intend to. How are you doing, Mr. Worf?
Wo: Not well, sir.
P: Try not to look at the stars. Keep your eyes on the hull. Let's go!

By Picard
