

ボーグと艦隊の戦いの模様を聞き、ピカードは参戦を決意。明らかな命令違反です。 しかし、地球の存亡がかかってますからそんなことは言ってられませんね。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズE艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Worf:対Borg戦用戦闘艦「Defiant」号を指揮、Lieutenant Commander(少佐)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)

F1: Stand by, we engage at grid A-15.
M1: Defiant and Bozeman. Fall back to mobile position one.
M2: Acknowledged.
F2: We have it in the visual range. A Borg cube on course 0 mark 2-1-5. Speed warp 9...
B: We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistence is futile.
M1: All units, open fire. Remodulate shield protection. They've broken through defense perimeter.

P: Lieutenant Hawk, set a course for Earth.
H: Aye, sir.
P: Maximum warp. I'm about to commit a direct violation of our orders. Any of you who wish to object should do so now. It will be noted in my log.
Da: Captain, I believe I speak for everyone here, sir, when I say, "To hell with our orders."
P: Red alert. All hands to battle stations. Engage!!

Wo: Report!
M3: Main power's off-line. We've lost shields. Our weapons are gone.
Wo: Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepare for ramming speed.
M3: Sir, there's another starship coming in. It's the Enterprise.
R: The Defiant's losing life support.
P: Bridge to transpoter room 3. Beem the Defiant survivors aboard.
R: Captain, the Admiral's ship has been destroyed.
P: What is the status of the Borg cube?
Da: It has sustained heavy damage to its outer hull. I am reading fluctuations in their power grid.
P: On screen. Number One, open a channel to the fleet.
R: Channel open, sir.
P: This is Captain Picard of the Enterprise. I'm taking command of the fleet. Target all of your weapons onto the following coordinates. Fire at my command.
Da: Sir, the coordinates you indicated do not appear to be a vital system.
P: Trust me, Data.
R: The fleet's responded, sir. They're standing by.
P: Fire!

By 月ふたつ
