

ピカード艦長の悪夢から始まります。TNGのテレビ番組を見てなかった人には謎かも しれませんね。でも、おいおい分かってくるでしょうけど。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズE艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)

B: Locutus.
P: I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.

P: Authorization Picard-4-7-alpfa-tango. Admiral?
A: Catch you at a bad time, Jean-Luc?
P: No, of course not.
A: I've just received a disturbing report from Deep Space 5. Our colony on Ivor prime was destroyed this morning. Long range sensors has picked out...
P: Yes, I know. The Borg.

P: Captain's log, stardate's 50893.5. The moment I have dreaded for nearly 6 years has finally arrived. The Borg, our most lethal enemy, have begun an invasion of the federation, and this time, there may be no stopping them.

R: How many ships?
P: One, and it's on a direct course for Earth. They will cross the federation board in less than an hour. Admiral Hayse is mobilizing a fleet in the typhon sector.
Da: At maximum warp, it will take us 3 hours, 25 minutes...
P: We're not going.
R: What do you mean we're not going?
P: Our orders are to patrol the neutral zone in case the Romulans decide to take advantage of this situation.
De: The Romulans?
Da: Captain, there has been no unusual activity along the Romulan border for the last 9 months. It seems highly unlikely they would choose this moment to start a conflict.
Cr: Does Starfleet feel we need more shakedown time?
Ge: Captain, we've been out in space nearly a year now. We're ready. The Enterprise E is the most advanced starship in the fleet. We should be on the front line.
P: I have gone over all this with starfleet command. Their orders stand. Number One, set a course for the neutral zone.

R: Bizet?
P: Berlioz. What do you have?
R: We finished our first sensor sweep of the neutral zone.
P: Oh, fascinating. Twenty particles of the space dust per cubic meter, 52 ultra violet radiation spikes, and a class-2 comet. Wow, this is certainly worthy of our attention.
R: Captain, why are we out here chasing comets?
P: Let's just say the Starfleet has every confidence in the Enterprise and her crew. They're just not sure about her Captain. They believe that a man who was once captured and assimilated by the Borg should not be put in a situaiton where he would face them again. To do so would introduce an unstable element to a critical situation.
R: That's ridiculous. Your experience with the Borg makes you the perfect man to lead this fight.
P: Admiral Haze disagrees.
De: Bridge to Captain Picard.
P: Go ahead!
De: We've just received word from the fleet. They've engaged the Borg.
P: Mr. Data, Put starfleet frequency 1-4-8-6 on audio.
Da: Aye, sir.

By Picard
