

さて、時間は切迫し、ピカード艦長は惑星に再び降り立ちます。残念なことに打つ手は皆無 のようですね。そこで、一言、彼の考えを述べて打開を図ります。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

R: Almost time. We want a boy brought here now.
Ta: I go with you.
EM1: Of course.
EF1: Captain Picard! I saw you share the sky with God. You must be God.
P: No. No. We are not Gods.
We: Mother! I guess you know what has happened.
Cr: I know.
We: Captain Picard, are you going to let them kill me?
P: No. But I must find someway to provent it. That you understand?
EM1: How can we let this happen, Riato?.
EM2: They threaten everything we respect.
EM1: Our law, our peace, our tranquility and order.
EM2: You are powerfull. But do not do this to us. We beg you. At least study what we were without law, hurtful to each other, savage, thieving.
P: I understand. Perhaps your system of law and punishment is better than any system we once had. But we do now have a law I must obey. Part of it says that I must protect my people from harm.
EM1: We did not ask you to come here.
R: Which(?) has to do with another law we must obey.
P: We are all sworn not to interfere with other lives and galaxy, if I save this boy, I break that law.
EM1: And you should be excuted if you do so.
P: I may suffer almost as much. Star fleet takes the prime directive very seriously.
EM1: No, it is God who will punish you.
P: That thought has crossed our minds. Your God up there may insist that we obey our non-interference directive.
We: Sir! This means if you save me, the entire crew could die?
P: You are not involved in this decision, boy.
We: I'm sorry, sir. But it seems like I am.
P: Picard, transporter room, lock into the signal. Stand by for six to beam up. Wesley, Lieutenant.
EM1: Our law's been violated. What a justice!
Ta: What a justice to Wesley? Does he deserve to die?
P: I'm truely sorry, Riato. But I must have justice for my people, too. Transporter room, energize. Transporter room, come in!
Tr: We can't energize to beam, sir. Everything's checked out for getting no results.
EM1: God has prevented your escape.
Cr: Then your God is unfair. My son had no warning that his act was his criminal.
EM1: We cannot allow ignorance of the law to become a defense.
P: I do not know how to communicate this or even it is possible. But the question of justice has concerned me greatly of late and I say to any creature who may be listening, there can be no justice so long as law's absolute. Even life itself is an exercise, is exceptions...
R: When has justice has been as simple as a rule book.
P: Seems the Edo lord agree with you, Number One.

R: Main viewer on.
P: Hailing frequencies.
Ta: Open, sir.
P: To the object in a orbit with us, we will remove the human colonists from the adjoining solar system if you signals to do so, please tell us.
Da: Captain.
Ge: Is that the signal?
P: Suppose...Suppose it must be. I was hoping for more.
Ge: More what, sir? I'm glad it's gone.
R: Agreed, sir. Shorten sweet. God like effeciency.
P: I was hoping we might learn more about it. But since we can't, take us out of here, Number One.
R: Gladly, sir.

By Picard
