


思考製造機に操られたピカード艦長。スターゲイザーに自らを転送。マクシアの戦いの 最中にいると錯乱しているようです。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
DaiMon Bok:フェレンギ艦長
Kazago:フェレンギ First Officer

Bo: Welcome back, Captain.
P: What is happening?
Bo: Shields up, computer.
P: What are you doing?
Bo: Collecting on at(?) your all debt.

R: Star Gazer, Captain, respond!
Ta: Shields up, sir. No way to beam over for any help(?).
Ge: Commander, we're reading something very strange here. Low intensity beam there and(?) impulse inside this star ship.
Da: I have fixed on it, sir. Inside Captain Picard's quaters.
De: You transfer some of his belongings from Star Gazer.
Wo: Yes, including a very heavy chest.
R: Go, take a look! Fast!
Ge: Commander. Star Gazer is now powering up, sir.

Bo: I have been waiting for long nine years for this, Picard.
P: I don't know what you are talking about.
Bo: Do you not, human? Can you not remember the crime you comitted against my very blood? You murdered my only son.
P: Your son?
Bo: He was commander of the ship you destroyed on his first voyage as Daimon.
P: A ship. Ferengi vessel had(?) attack me. Why(Whoかも?) is about to attack me.
Bo: And I have spent these years serching, thinking of proper broad(?) revenge. And I found it. I am rich, Picard. It, two of which cost me the profits of the entire life. You're back in commanding the Star Gazer, Picard. Its computers demands your orders. Die well, Captain.

R: First officer's log. Captain Picard has beamed himself to the Star Gazer which is now moving away from us under its own power.
R: Enterprise to the Star Gazer, please repond. Enterprise to Captain Picard aboard the Star Gazer, please answer! Mr. Data, what's Star Gazer's condition?
Da: Considerable fire damage to interior surface is reported, sir. But none of the main system has crippled.
R: Armaments, Lieutenant Yar.
Ta: Six photon torpedo's short, sir. Probably with these(?) Captain destroyed the Ferengi attack nine years ago. Otherwise fully armed.
R: What do you make it, La Forge?
Ge: Seems be a network a miniature circuitry, sir. It incredibly complex. Maybe, maybe amplifier.
R: Well, what's in the Captain's quaters, Mr. Worf?
Wo: It's chest on the Star Gazer, sir? Just why I have locked(?) it. Be(?) hadn't yet unpacked.
Cr: So, he may not have ever known what was there. And this can pick up or magnified thought autoly(?) transmission.
De: It could have prepared him for whatever is happening now.
R: Let's find out. We'll try to. Contact the Ferengi vessel, Lieutenant.
Ta: Heiling frequency's open, sir.
R: Enterprise to Ferengi vessel. We transmit visually, do you respond?
Ka: Why does the deputy own power, human?
R: I would discuss that with your captain.
Ka: He is working in our ship laboratory. Where is your captain?
R: He's beamed himself aboard the Star Gazer. And I'm wondering if this has something to do with it.
Ka: How do you have possession of that?
R: That's found out in Captain's chest which was brought over from the Star Gazer.
Ka: It is the forbidden device, a thought maker. If your captain is criminal on that to own one.
R: Kazago, you know who controls those spheres. Now ask you again, first officer to first officer, what's going on?
Ka: It is not seemly to question one's own DaiMon, Riker. I am not prepared to do that.
Ta: Sir, I have the Star Gazer.
R: Switch now! Enterprise to Picard!
P: Do not attack again! We are on a peaceful mission. Give your identity. You forces to defend ourselves. Phasor's full alerm. Arm torpedos. Fire(?) the shields full power.
Ta: We've lost him, sir.
Ge: When he has put up shields, sir.
P: Damn! I've get the fusion generators on a surge control ??????? you're moving much too slowly. Arm(?) the torpedos ???????. Vigo, verify the control panel(?) up here.
M1: Shile's weakening, Captain.
M2: Fusion generator's on line.
P: Weapon report!
M3: Engine's coming to deport(?) charge,sir. Torpedo's on.
P: Who are they? Identify them.
M4: ???????????? sir.
M5: We can't take another hit, Captain.

By Picard
