


艦長日誌に改ざんあり。脳波スキャンにより、どうやらフェレンギ艦が原因というのが わかったのもつかの間。。。。。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

Da: By comparing the Star Gayzer's main computer log with Captain Picard's personal log, I found checksum discrepancy, sir.
R: What does that mean?
Da: All information is time coded by entry and bits weren't total produced aggregate amount which...
R: I don't want a computer science lesson, Data. Bottom line.
Da: One of these two logs is a forgery, sir.
Ge: Correction. The log just(?) found were the Star Gazer is a forgery.
Da: As I said. That is one of them. Is it not?
Ge: Captain! You're looking better, sir.
P: I ever(?) sleep, thanks to a good doctor, works wonders. What report on the logs?
Da: Yes, sir. Whoever tempered with your personal log was clever.
Ge: But it was clumsy. It definitely a fabrication, sir.
Cr: Number One! I'd like you to take a look at this brain scan graph. What are you doing here?
P: I thought I was a captain of the star ship.
Cr: Of course you are, but I...
Cr: Thank you for your conformation, Doctor. But now except Riker, I'd like you all to return to your stations? Is that clear?
Da: Sir!
P: You, too, Doctor. I have business with the Commander.
Cr: Under protest, sir.
R: You've order for me, sir.
P: Release the Star Gazer from the tractor beam, Number One.
R: Sir?
P: The tractor beam.
R: So are you abandaning it?
P: No, but her inertia will carry the Star Gazer along with us. Or did you sleep to academy electron conservation on tractor beam power.
R: No, sir. I release her(?), of course.

Cr: Obviously, there're some sort of thought process disorder here. But I can't find out a physical reason for it. Anything?
De: I'm puzzled too. I keep sensing random thoughts. But two sets of them. As if they were his but intermixed with other thoughts which are also his.
Cr: I'm the busiest moment, Wesly?
We: I know, Mom, but this is important. When I practiced(?) main sensor's engineering to trace more sensitivity experiments.
De: Does it have something to do with Captain Picard?
We: Yes, Mom. It is just what you're talking about here. I don't know much about brain scans. But I glanced it these(?) you studying them. And I noticed that these patterns are the same as those picked up in low intensity transmissions from the Ferengi ship. I went back and checked and it(?) exactly the same.
De: What kind of transmissions?
We: I don't know. Engineering has nothing like on record.
De: Let's get to Captain.
Cr: No. That might be affecting Captain. To Riker.
We: You're welcome, ladies. Adults!

Cr: A(The?) Captain, Commander?
R: Resting in his quarters after ordering both of you to return to your duty stations.
De: There have been some...did he say low intensity?
Cr: Um.
De: Some unusual low intensity transmissions from the Ferengi vessel.
R: Did who say?
Cr: My son. Transmissions which exactly match certain anomalies found in captain's brain scans. Something over there is affecting the Captain's thought patterns.
R: Computer, give me a location of Captain Picard.
Co: Captain Picard is in transporter room 3.
R: What? Computer, immergency order to tranpoter room 3.
Co: New information. Captain Picard is no longer aboard the Enterprise.

By Picard
