

ピカード艦長の頭痛はさらにひどくなってきました。さて、マキシアの戦闘の 内容が明らかになってきましたね。ピカード艦長のとった戦略、なかなかたいした ものです。もっともエンタープライズの艦長になるほどだから当たり前かな。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

P: Captain's log supplemental. Bok and his officers have returned to their vessel inviting us now to officially take possession of the Star Gayzer.

Cr: Like before.
P: No. it hit more impact.
Cr: Hit?
De: I'm sorry but anything could be important.
Cr: You said you felt something yourself.
De: I believe so. Like a thought but rather mechanical in nature.
P: It be(?) one of my thoughts? At that moment, I had(?) remembered being at the helm of the Star Gayzer. Maneuver was been made. We were hit and(?) burning. Like it's smoke. Can you smell it?
Cr: There's nothing burning, Jean-Luk.
P: Ah...no, ah, it was just part of my memory.
De: Memory or nightmare.
P: But(?) it was strong whatever it was.
You're ready, Number One.
R: Staff's waiting, if(?) Dr Crusher approves.
Cr: I'd better than that. I'll go along.
P: We're travelling at warp two through the Maxia Zeta system and this unidentified star ship suddenly appeared and fired on us point-blank rage.
R: Where did they come from?
P: Must be lying in some deep moon crater? First attack damaged the shields in the confusion. And the hit(?) is the second time.
Ta: No clue who they were?
P: No names, no reasons. Can you identify, Vigo, think(?) coming second time with our shields damaged.
De: Sir, who's Vigo?
P: He is my weapon's officer on the Star Gayzer. Eh(?) I getting quite cought up in this.
R: Your shields were failing,sir.
P: Um, uh. I, ah, improvised with the enemy vessel coming in for the KO(?). I ordered the sensor(?) varing(?) and when it came into the return arc.
R: You perform what Star fleet text books now refer to as the Picard maneuver.
P: Well, I did what any go to helm(?) what I would've done. I dropped into high warp, stop right of the enemy vessle's bow, fired everything I had.
R: And blowing(?) the Maximum warp speed you appeared for instant to be two places at once.
P: And our attack I fired at long(?) one.
R: I did for any good hells what would've done. You did it first, sir.
P: Ah that was a save-us skin's(?) maneuver. We were finished on fire. We had abandoned the ship. We limped through space in shuttle craft four weeks before we were picked up. No, I thought about this for years.
Da: Sir, the Ferengi are standing by for us to take possession of the Star Gayzer.
P: I want to go over to her.
R: I understand, sir. As soon as my people had(?) made certain that you are safe.
Cr: And after I have another look at you, Captain.

By Picard
