

どうやら無事に故郷銀河に戻ってきました。だがトラベラーはどこへ?彼は生きているので しょうか?異次元または異時間の世界へと旅立ったのでしょうか?
ウエスリーは、今回の功績により、代理少尉となりました。つまり、ブリッジに留まること ができるわけです。ピカード艦長が早速トラベラーとの約束を果たしたわけですね。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

P: Captain's log. Any time entry is meaningless. We have no choice but to repeat the same warp experiment but with one variation. A principle port of this warp formula will be the thoughts of everyone aboard the Enterprise. We have no idea exactly how this works. We understand only that the traveller makes use of this somehow. It will be the most important that those aboard avoid random thoughts that might change the reality of what we're attempting to do.

P: Do you have any further advice, Counselor?
De: When you begin the attempt, there will be stress. And it's only natural the crew's concentration will shift.
Ta: Plus some genuine fear, Captain. You can't notice what's happening outside without feeling some of that.
P: All decks, all stations. This is the Captain speaking. All decks I must have your full attention. In a few moments, as we attempt to warp back home, it is vital, absolutely vital that you center your thoughts on your duty, or on a welfare of the one called the traveller. Think of giving him some of your strength. And this is an order. You must try to do this. And now! Attempt to concentrate completely on your duty of the moment, or on the traveller--on his well-being. Think of him as someone you care deeply for. All decks, all stations, battle stations.
Tr: I will need Kosinski back on the main computer.
Ko: You need me?
Tr: Yes.
P: Helm, set in warp one point five, retroactive course.
Ge: Warp one point five, retroactive 2-6-1 mark 3-1, sir.
P: Bridge to engineering, stand by.
De: I feel such an abundance well-being on the ship. It feels like...quite wonderful.
R: Engineering to bridge! We're ready.
P: On my order, Mr.Data, Mr. La Forge. Engage! It's not happening. It's not enough.
Da: Warp one point five, sir. Which is what my instruments have read all along.
Ge: Now our position reads exactly what it was before this sleigh ride began, sir.
P: Cease red alert.
Da: Sleigh ride?
Ge: Or whatever you want to call it, Data. I don't have a proper name for it.
R: The traveller's gone, sir.
P: Gone?
R: He's phased, completely out of existence. At least out of our existence.
P: Attention, all decks. This is to inform you that with your support the traveller has returned us to our own galaxy. However, he has now left us. Wherever he has gone, we wish him well. Have the boy sent to the bridge, Number One.
R: Wesley Crusher, report to the bridge on the double.
P: Our next assignment is on this heading?
R: Yes, sir.
P: Mr. Data, Mr. La Forge, increase to the warp five, same heading.
Da: Warp five, sir.
Ge: On that same heading, sir.
P: Oh, Wesley. Come on the bridge. Move! Commander Riker has told me how supportive you were in engineering. Well done. Oh, at ease. Ah, sit here in command.
R: Captain. It's not allowed. Your orders.
P: Oh, that's true. Well, ah...I, ah, can't waive them again. Only commisioned officers.
We: It's quite all right, sir, I understand.
P: Please don't interrupt, Wesley.
We: I'm sorry, sir.
P: Any commisioned rank? Even ensign?
R: That would give him authorized access to the bridge.
P: Uh, well then, now, I'll have to make him an acting ensign. Captain's log, Stardate 41263.4. For outstanding performance in the best starfleet tradition, Wesley Crusher is made acting ensigne with the duties and privileges of that rank. And, whether that rank becomes permanent, Mr. Crusher, depends on you. At the earliest opportunity, your entrance application for starfleet academy will be tendered. Until then, you will learn this ship, every operation, every function. Commander Riker, a duty schedule for Mr. Crusher, heavy on study.
R: Aye, sir.
P: Meanwhile, you can sit here, and learn something.
R: Sir? Should I send for Dr. Crussher?
P: Why? Is someone ill? Or would you rather tell her about this Wes?
We: If you don't mind, sir, I'd like to sit here for a while. I'll tell her later.

By Picard
