

アシスタントの正体はトラベラー。トラベラーは別の時代から来たのでしょうか、 その当たりは謎のままです。


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

P: Captain's log, supplemental. Our position is unknown and our only chance of returning to the known universe is a dying alien who is generally humanoid but with a physiology sufficiently different from our own to creat medical problems in caring for him.

P: Cause?
Cr: I don't know. My equipment dosen't register his kinds of life signs. I would have to guess exhaustion, fatigue.
We: Is he gonna be all right?
P: What is the boy doing here?
We: Mom? He's my friend.
R: You may want him here before we're done, sir. He seems to have developed some sort of special attachment to the boy.
We: My name is Wesley, Commander Riker.
P: He knows. We all know. Will he live?
Cr: I'm not sure.
P: Wake him!
Cr: I recommend we let him come around in his own time.
P: We don't have that luxury. Wake him.
Cr: He could die. And with him any chance we have.
P: Doctor. Wes. We all have other friends on board this ship. If we stay here much longer, we may lose the ability to distinguish between thought and reality. Now regardless of the risk, wake him Now! Do you recognize me? I'm the captain, and I need answers.
Tr: (I'll) do my best to provide.
P: Who are you or what?
Tr: I am a traveller.
P: A traveller? What is your destination?
Tr: Destination?
P: Yes. What place are you trying to reach?
Tr: Ah, place, no. There is no specific place I wish to go.
P: Then, what is the purpose of your journey?
Tr: Curiosity.
P: That's not an answer.
Tr: I have certain abilities. They give me a knowledge of propulsion. I've been trading this for passage on Startfleet vessels.
R: And allowing Kosinsky to take credit for what you did.
Tr: It seemed the sensible way.
P: Until now.
Tr: Captain. I seek only transportation in order to see and experience your reality. I am no threat to you, your ship or your crew.
We: He isn't. Captain. I know he isn't.
P: Our reality? In order to satisfy this curiosity, you've brought my ship and my crew into great risk.
Tr: I have made some mistakes.
P: Some mistakes? What mistakes could possibly explain these incredible explosions of velocity?
Tr: I don't know if I can put this in terms you'll understand.
P: I believe that there may be a warp speed that can get us beyond galaxy M-33. But there is no velocity of any magnitude that can possibly bring us wherever this is. Is it true what our navigation sensors're telling us? Are we, are we millions of light years away from where we were?
Tr: Yes.
P: But what got us here?
Tr: Thought.
P: Thought?
Tr: You do understand, don't you? Thought is the basis of all reality. The energy of thought--to put it in your terms--is very powerful.
K: That's not an explanation.
Tr: I have the ability to act like a lens which focuses thought.
K: That's just ah, so much nonsense. You're asking us to believe in magic.
Tr: Oh, yes, this, this could seem like magic to you.
P: No, no, it actually makes sense to me. Only the power of thought could explain what's been happening, especially out here.
Tr: Thought is the essence of where you are now. You do understand the danger, don't you?
P: Chaos. What we think is what happens.
Tr: It pains me I was so careless, Captain. My intent was only to observe, not to cause this. You should not be here until your far, far distant future. Certainly not until you've learned control.
R: You are from a different time, aren't you?
Tr: No, not exactly from another time... I, oh, no. As you understand the concept, yes, perhaps that term fits as well as any.
R: And you have this ability to travel?
Tr: Yes.
R: And others of your kind have the same ability?
Tr: Oh, yes.
R: Then why? And in all our history is there no record of you or someone like you ever having visited us?
Tr: What wonderful arrogance! There is no record because we have not visited you before.
R: Why not?
Tr: Well, because up until now, if you'll forgive this, you've been uninteresting. It's only now that your life form merits serious attention th... I'm sorry.

By KITORA, Picard
