

タカーン帝国の門番から、ライカーに試練が与えられます。なんと馴染みある言葉では ありませんか?


Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Portal guard:タカーン帝国の番人

Po: Barbarians, all are. But this one first. In the fashion the empire has always challenged savages.
Wo: No! For battle, come to me!
R: No! That's an order!
Po: You have a single chance for life, one only. What is the answer to my challenge? I offer a thought. "He will triumph who knows when to fight and when not to fight." You are being tested, Riker. What is the answer?
R: How do you know my name?
Po: Ah! You are facing fate with composure. But what is the answer to my challenge?
R: "Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy"
Po: Unlike these little ones who close their minds, your mind holds interesting thoughts. "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you'll always be victorious." Why that thought? And who is this Sun Tzu you revere?
R: An old Chinese philosopher from ancient earth history.
Po: You must tell me more of wisdome--so much like our own.
R: Gladly, but first, our starship. Can you release it?
Po: It is released. All power is restored.

Cr: Not a moment too soon, Jean. I mean, Captain.

Po: I admit I had my doubt as your ships battled each other in overt acts of belligerence. Normally, I would have destroyed all of you and your ships. But something confused me.
R: Which was?
Po: First, you wanted to destroy each other, then you were willing to assist each other.
Le: What of our vessel? We knew the same answer.
Mo: The truth is I gave those words to this human.
Po: What of them? Shall I destroy them?
R: Then they would never learn nothing.
Po: A most interesting conclusion. But what if they never learn, Riker?
R: Says the test also?
Po: Um... In life, one is always tested.
R: I see them much as we were several hundred years ago. But possessing the technology they now have they are very dangerous.
Mo: Untrue! We seek friendship with you.
R: But we can hardly hate what we once were. They may grow and learn.
Po: And learn ways to destroy you?
R: Our values require us to face that possibility. What of you? With your empire gone?
Po: The universe exists to me to create life. I shall sleep until needed again.

P: Compliments, lieutenant.
Ta: Thank you.
P: Lieutenant Worf. You've done well.
Da: Something to write home about.
Ge: "Something to write home about"? Data, that's very human.
R: The T-9 energy converter was beamed aboard ???????????, Sir. The Ferengi complained bitterly but one final roar from Portal convinced them.
P: I commend your performance, Number one.
R: One final request, Sir. Permission to beam a box of Data's chinese finger puzzles over the Ferengi. "A thank you" for all they tried to do.
P: Make it so. Set course, La Forge.


