



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ

Ta: And then we got'im down to sick bay so Doctor Crusher could examine him.
P: He wasn't violent?
Ta: No, sir. He was very upset. He kept talking about wanting normal vision.
P: Um...Thank you Lieutenant.

Cr: According to our medical readouts, there's still nothing wrong with him. He looks like he is running a temperature but every instrument we have says he is not.
P: Doctor, every person on that ship over there died. Is there any chance that, whatever did it, is loose on my ship?
Cr: If you mean a desease, sir, I'd say there's no chance of it. We used full decontamination. We examined every team memeber very carefully.
P: The entire crew somehow managed to kill themselves, Doctor. And if it's not a desease, what else made them do it?
Cr: The obvious alternatives are in the areas of insanity, and severe emotional upset. Troi, do you feel anything unusual in the Lieutenant?
P: Security just told me that he was longing for normal sight. That's a sudden yearning for that.
De: Since his records show no previous mention of that, the fact that it happened now could be important. But all I sense from him is confusion. If I didn't know better, I would say he was intoxicated.
Cr: Our tests would've shown that, also any other signs of drugs, hallucinogens or any other contaminants.

Da: Can you provide more information, sir? Seeking an instance of someone showering in his or her clothing is...
R: I know, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Da: Why should anyone wish to expend his time in such a search?
R: Correction, Data, I sould've said proverbial needle in a haystack.
Da: Uh, a human proverb, as in folklore, or an historical allusion, or tribal memory....
R: Historical, that's it. I remember I was reading a history of all the past starships named Enterprise.
Da: Enterprise history, aberrant behavior, medical cross-reference.
R: Captain, I believe we have the answer to what happened over there.
P: The Constituion-class Starship Enterprise, Captain James T. Kark commanding.
R: Similar conditions. They were monitoring a planet that was breaking up and not a collapsing star as in this case. But there were the same huge shifts in gravity.
P: Which somehow resulted in complex strings of water molecules which acquired carbon from the body and acted, acted on a brain like alcohol. Data, download this information to Medical immediately.
Da: Aye, sir. Downloading.
P: Fascinating. The entire crew going out of control.
R: Like intoxication, but worse. Judgement almost completely impaired.
P: Until they found this formula, barely in time. Picard to Dr. Crusher, come in.
Cr: This is Crusher, go ahead, Captain.
P: You can relax, Doctor. The answer to all of this is feeding into your medical bank, right now, including a cure.
Cr: Are you certain, Captain?
P: Absolutely.

By ピカード


星の崩壊時に生じる重力異常。水が体内でアルコールのようなものに変化する。つまり、 全員酩酊状態になってしまうわけです。フォーミュラーは医療部にまわされましたが、 うまくいくかどうか?