



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Deanna Troi:カウンセラー(テレパスで、ライカーの元恋人)
Beverly Crusher:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Tasha Yar:セキュリティー・チーフ
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)
Wesly Crusher:ドクター・クラッシャーの息子。エンジニアリングに関しては天才か

P: Captain's log supplemental: We are downloading the research information gathered on the collapsing star nearby. I'm concerned at being in such close orbit but the Tsiolkovsky's research records will no doubt predict the time of the star's final collapse.

Cr: I can't find anything unusual in any of the tricorder readings they sent over, Captain.
P: Give me a theory, Doctor. Anything. Madness, mass hysteria, delusion?
De: Any or all, Captain.
P: All right. Let's bring the away team back. Set the trasporter to maximum decontamination. And then full examination and observation when they are here.

Cr: If you were any more perfect, Data, I'd have to write you up in a starfleet medical text book.
Da: I'm already listed in several biomechanical texts, Doctor.
Cr: Yes, of course. You're next, Lieutenant. Normal, all across. Except, why are you perspiring, Lieutenant?
Ge: I suppose because you have it too hot in here. What else would it be?
R: That doesn't sound like you, Geordi.
Ge: Um, well, maybe it's not. Maybe she threw her voice. Hey! It's a joke.
Cr: Of course. But I would like to run, ah, one or two more tests on you, Lieutenant.
Ge: Ha.....
Cr: Sick bay to bridge.
P: Picard here, go ahead, Doctor.
Cr: I'm confining Lieutenant La Forge to sic bay until further notice.
P: Do we have a problem, Doctor?
Cr: I don't know yet.
R: Data, I need help in locating some library computer information?
Da: Specifics, sir?
R: All I have is a vague memory of reading somewhere about someone taking a shower in his or her clothing.
Da: Ha, the body Geordi discovered.
R: I believe it may have happened before.
Da: To someone, somewhere.
R: This ought to be easy for someone written up in biomechanical texts.
Da: About that, sir. Does the doctor believe I was boasting?
R: Probably. This may take some time?
Da: At least several hours. But what I said was a statement of fact. Perhaps she will look it up.
R: You can depend on it.

Dr: Geordi! Security, Lieutenant La Forge just left sick bay while I was in my office. He doesn't have his communicator. It is very important that we find him.
Ta: Security team, alert! Pick up Lieutenant La Forge. He just left sick bay moments ago. Captain, anything further?
P: Affirmative. Make it a shipwide search, Lieutenant.

We: It's a model of the same kind of tractor beam our ship uses with a few ideas of my own added.
Ge: So that's your science project, huh? Wes, you're really something.
We: And since the Captain won't let me on the bridge, I use this to imagine I'm there."Take the helm, Mr., Crusher. Set a course for 37 mark 180, warp6."
Ge: That's the Captain's voice.
We: It's piece togethered form while I use this intercom. With this I can pretend he's ordering me to take the Enterprise anywhere. And listen to this. "Chief Engineer, report to the Bridge. Commander Riker, report to the Bridge. Dr. Crusher report to the Bridge." What do you think?
Ge: I think the Captain's lucky you're on his side.
We: But he still won't let me on the Bridge. There is nothing there I don't understand.
Ge: I wish I understand myself that well.
We: Are you OK?
Ge: No, suddenly I seem to be burning up inside. It's so hot in here.

Ta: Geordi, Geordi, Lieutenant Yar in the observation lounge. Send a team here now. Medical's been worried about you.
Ge: Help me. Help me to not give in to the wild things coming into my mind.
Ta: Geordi, my job is security.
Ge: Tasha please.
Ta: All right. All right, helping is more important. Geordi, how can I help you?
Ge: Help me to see like you do.
Ta: But you already see better than I can.
Ge: I see more. But more isn't better.
Ta: Geordi, please put these back.....
Ge: I want to see in shallow, dim, beautiful human ways.
Ta: We'll talk about it Geordi. Right now I'm going to take you to sick bay. All right?
Ge: Yeah.
Ta: OK. Good.

By 茜


さて、どこかおかしいが、はっきりとはわからない謎の現象が起こり始めました。心の 奥深くに隠された願望が現れてくるのでしょうか?