



Jean-Luc Picard:エンタープライズD艦長
William T. Riker:副長(「副長」は英語でnumber oneだそうです)
Dr. Pulaski:医療部長(艦で唯一、艦長に命令権限あり)
Geordi La Forge:技術チーフ(「機関部長」とも。恋多き青年です^^;)

Pu: How did you make the room shake?
Mo: I'm not sure. Now, dear lady, will that be one lump or two?
Pu: Lumps, Professor? What sort of lumps?
Mo: Milk, of course?
Pu: Why not?
Mo: Mr. Computer proposes the incredible thought that we are all travelling in a great vessel of some sort. Is that true?
Pu: I don't know what you're talking about.
Mo: The scones are likewise a must.
Pu: This is really quite excellent.
Mo: Strange. It actually pleases me to hear you say that.
Pu: Very strange. You know you're beginning to sound very different from the Moriarty I've read about.
Mo: You're not frightened of me?
Pu: No.
Mo: You should be. Mr. Computer, the Arch please. A few more questions, Mr. Computer. I just can't seem to remember that last comand. Oh, well. Soon or later, it will all come to me. But, in the meantime I have decided to approach the problem from a more familiar perspective. There's really no reson why I shouldn't be able to use some of the knowledge from my world to bring me closer to yours.
Pu: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Mo: Of course, you do not. The more you proclaim your ignorance and the more you try to mislead me, the more I am on to you. Your every silence speaks volumes.
Pu: Good. Then, if you know what I am saying when I'm not saying anything, what do you need me for? Thank you for the tea and crumpets. I guess I'll be going.
Mo: Where? Back to here?
Pu: Yes. Would you care to join me?
Mo: In time. In time I will leave all of this and join you out there. Or is this where we both are right now?
Pu: Right now, we are in London. Tell me what you want from me or allow me to leave.
Mo: Frankly, now, I want nothing more than what the fisherman expects of the world. You, dear Doctor, will be the lure. And this will be the hook for your captain, Jean-Luc Picard.
Pu: Who is that?
Mo: How well you know.

R: Nice suit.
Wo: Thank you. Captain, I will be standing by to assist you if needed.
R: You'll be a big hit in London.
P: Computer, tell me. Is the program still running?
Co: Affirmative. You may enter.
P: Data, shall we go? Gentleman. Open.

P: We don't have much time. He's getting more control of his environment. Let's see if we can't beat Prof. Moriarty by giving him everything he wants.
P: Obviously he's trying to alter the programming here.
Da: Captain?
P: Tuppence. Two pence. Supposed to be good luck. We may need some.
?: I'll take that coin, sir. That's right and any more you got, too.
P: Excuse me.
?: I don't think so. I want all that money. I want it now.
P: Data.
Da: This holographic image differs from any I have ever seen. Could he have acctually injured you?
P: More serious than that. I think the mortality fale-sake may have been circumvented. He could have killed me.
?: Let it go, Gov. Come on. He's hurting me.
P: Data. Let him go.
Da: We will find Moriarty this way, sir. The warehouse.

Mo: Captain Picard.
P: Are you all right?
Pu: Yes. Except for being crammed full of crumpets.
Mo: I'm a civilized doctor, Captain Picard. Civilized but still dangerous.
R: Bridge to Holodeck control. Worf.
Wo: Here, sir.
R: Status? Has anything changed?
Wo: No, sir.

By たけやん
