


P: It seemed to be a some kind of underground structure. But, I don't see any... Hey. No, you don't. No time to sleep.
Cr: I'm tired.
P: Come on. Stay with me. Come on now. Stay awake. That's an order.
Cr: I must have lost a lot of blood.
P: I stopped the bleeding.
Cr: No, is another wound? My leg. Ah...
P: No, not to worry. Everything's gonna be fine. Now, this is gonna heart(?) of it.
Cr: I've heard that before... Oh, oh.
P: Hey, hey. Doctor. Stay awake. Come on. These's a lot of blood. What do I do next? Doctor.
Cr: Ah. The wound needs the chlorination.
P: I couldn't find your medical kit.
Cr: Those roots. What are they?
P: Roots? What these?
Cr: Break off the piece and taste it. Don't swallow it.
P: They are bitter.
Cr: Apply some to your hand. Is there color change?
P: They turned yellowish.
Cr: Good. Now, spread as much of it as you can onto the wound.
P: Hey, hey. Doctor, now stay awake. You got to help me. I need your help. All right. Now, listen. Your patient has lost a great deal of blood for multiple flustrations(?).
Cr: The patient's going into shock.
P: So, what do I do?
Cr: Elevate the legs and try to keep her warm.
P: Good. All right. Stay with me, Doctor. Keep talking.
Cr: It isn't happened to bring a blanket with you, did you?
P: No. I might look for a way out. Now, you keep up your end. Stay awake.

Ge: All right. I know it's risky. But, shot in the dark is better than nothing. Let's see if we can get lucky.
Zu: I can't see the depend(?) on the pattern.
Ge: There.
Zu: Sorry, sir. I should've seen that.
Ge: No, that's all right. You're doing fine.
Wo: Program waiting. Phasers and photon torpedos ready.
Ge: Okay. Mr. Soles, bring her about 2-3 mark 1-8-5.
So: Aye, sir.
Ge: Fire. Now.
Wo: Phasers ans Photons firing. We missed.
Zu: Number 4 shield buckling. Number 3 shield's near failure.
Ro: Bridge. This is Engineering. I can't hold this power level much longer. You've got to do something.
Zu: Backup system's overloaded. Backup system failing.
Ro: LaForge. This is Rogan. Tell me something.
Ge: Mr. Rogan, report to the Bridge.
Ro: On my way.

Wo: Deflectors are breaking down. We have less than one minute of reserve.
Ge: We'll get out of here. Lieutenant Soles, set course, 3-1-5 mark 0-0-7.
So: Course set.
Ro: You're leaving on the planet.
Ge: Speed warp 5.
So: Warp 5. Aye.
Ge: Engage. Hold course and speed for 28 seconds and come to a full stop. Mr. Rogan. Have we stayed, we would've been destroyed. There are a thousand people on this ship. I have responsibility to them.
Ro: What about your responsibility to the Captain Picard and the members of the away team.
Ge: I have responsibility to them as well. Mr. Rogan. You are going to take command of the saucer section. Backup crew, report to the main bridge.
Ro: You are going to separate.
Ge: Yes. And I want you to take the saucer section and proceed immediately to Starbase 103.
Ro: You can't fight what you can't see. And you still want to be able to see that thing.
Ge: Maybe we want to have to.
Ro: Risky.
Ge: Yes. It's why we are gnonna separate. Worf, Soles, Zu, report to the battle bridge. I'll join you in a moment.
Wo: Ensign, secure connector levels.
?: Aye, sir.

Ge: Come in.
To: Lieutenant. I need to speak to you.
Ge: Counselor. We are a few minutes away from separating the battle section. I don't have a lot of time.
To: I know. But as Counselor, I have a duty to evaluate the emotional fitness of the crew.
Ge: And you sense I'm nervous. Hm. You're right. Counselor, deep down. I'm shaking. I'm about to take the ship into the battle and the good chance show(?) to be blasted out of sky. I'm taking a huge risk here. And there are a lot(?) of lives at stake. So yeah. I'm nervous. Did you expect otherwise?
To: Not at all. You are on the tremendous pressure, more than you've ever experienced.
Ge: You think I'm about to crack.
To: On the contrary. You should be proud of the way you're handing the command. You've got a cool head, taken charge and made very difficult decisions.
Ge: Then what do you want to see me about?
So: Lieutenant LaForge. Battle bridge is manned and ready. However, deflectors are have none(neither?) of your return to full efficiency.
Ge: Let's get them there, Mr. Soles.
So: Aye, sir.
Ge: I'll join you shortly. LaForge out.
To: Did you hear the uneasiness in his voice?
Ge: Soles is doing a fine job.
To: Yes. But, isn't he handling distress as well as you are? Both he and Ensign Su are very young.
Ge: No way. They are good officers.
To: Yes. But they lack battle experience. They're worried about making mistakes. They need some encouragement.
Ge: What do I do?
To: Just remember. It's you they draw strength from. They looked you for guidance and for leader ship. Help them. Show confidence in them.
Ge: My Captain Picard show confidence in me. All right. I understand. Thanks, Counselor.

By たけやん
