


Ge: Ship's log supplemental. Lieutenant LaForge in command. I am unable to beam up the away team during(?) an unseen assailant attacking the ship. To make the matters worse, Chief Engineer Rogan is on his way to the Bridge and he's not paying a courtesy call.

Ro: Why are we still on an orbit? We're taking a beating.
Ge: We've got to hold as long as we can. Now if we can disable the attack only for a few seconds, we can drop our shields and beam the away team back aboard.
Ro: If we follow that plan, we'll lose the Enterprise. And in view of the present crisis, I believe you should relinquish command to me.
Ge: No.
Ro: I outrank you.
Ge: Mr. Rogan, I'm in command.
Ro: The Captain did not anticipate the Enterprise will command the attack. If he had, would he have left the Bridge to you?
Ge: If he had, he wouldn't have left the ship.
Zu: Picking up an object at starboard, sir. Heading toward us.
Ge: Lock the phasor on that thing and fire it the moment it's in range.
Wo: Locking in. The object is vanished. Phasor lock lost.
Zu: Starboard shield's weakened.
Wo: It's coated itself.
Ro: You cannot fight this thing to win. We've got to break orbit, now.
Ge: Worf, analyze its firing pattern. Maybe we can anticipate its location.
Wo: Aye. Soles, correlate(?) trajectory of the energy pulse with the attack path. Our computer up?? them spread phasor and photon torpedos to head it.
Ge: Right.
Ro: Lieutenant LaForge. Geordi, I know you want to do what's the best for the Enterprise. So do I. Now the best thing...
Ge: The best thing, Mr. Rogan, is for this discussion to end and for you to return to your duty. Now, I'm in charge until relieved by Commander Riker or Captain Picard.
Ro: You're ignoring my greater rank and experience.
Ge: Not at all. In fact just the opposite, I'm counting on you. Now I need you to get back down to the Engineering and get me any available scrabble of the emergency power you can. The more power we can channel to the shields, the longer we'll be able to hold out. Now, Mr. Rogan. Ha... Worf, you've got lock on it yet?
Wo: It's impossible to be sure.

Ta: Maybe you should wait here, while Data and I search for the Captain and Dr. Crusher.
R: No, I'm little groggy, but I'll be all right.
Da: I'm getting energy reading.
R: Look out.
Ta: We'll do just like before. It's got a deflector shield.
Da: The product continues to upgrade and improve.
Ta: We'll concentrate our fire to try to collapse its shield. Commander, we'll need you too. Now. You're right. They keep on getting better.
Da: Their weapons are appearing at intervals of precisely 12 minutes.
Ta: Well, this one took everything we had. I don't know how we handle the next one.
R: We're not going to wait(?) around. Let's find the rest of our team.

By たけやん
