


WORLD からRussia To Begin Pullout Mondayです。

気楽に読める記事です。各段落が短いので、気になった段落を2つ、直前の段落と一緒に 取り上げます。

"No matter what happens, we will never reconcile with the fact of annexation or indeed separation of parts of territory from Georgia; with the attempt to legalize ethnic cleansing; and with the attempts to bring Georgia to its knees and undermine our democratic system," Saakashvili said.

Merkel stressed German support from Georgia's NATO aspirations, saying before the meeting that "Georgia will, if it wants ─ and it does want to ─ become a member of NATO." She later said she did not know when that would happen.

  • Angela Merkel:ドイツ初の女性首相
  • aspiration:強い願望

その場合ですと、「Merkel はグルジアがNATO加盟を熱望していること を考えて、ドイツはグルジアを支持することを強調した」となり、論理的 には納得いきます。

There were a few military vehicles but no longer any tanks at the checkpoint at the entrance to Gori, less fortified than in previous days. In Gori itself, there was a light presence of Russian troops and a few tanks.

Virtually all shops were closed and the streets almost empty, save for clusters of people, many from outlying villages, who gathered around buses and vans that brought in aid, as well as a basement bakery.

  • save for:〜を除いて

    basement bakeryについては
    ここなどはなかなか見つからない パン屋、というぐらいの意味で使っているし、
    要するに、basement=地下、ということから、目立たない、大きくない、 地下の、という色々な意味で使われているようです。