アンの愛情 第一八章

Chapter XVIII Miss Josephine Remembers the Anne-girl(4)

Anne was lonely; Diana, during the whole of the holidays, was imprisoned at home with a bad attack of bronchitis. She could not come to Green Gables and it was rarely Anne could get to Orchard Slope, for the old way through the Haunted Wood was impassable with drifts, and the long way over the frozen Lake of Shining Waters was almost as bad. Ruby Gillis was sleeping in the white-heaped graveyard; Jane Andrews was teaching a school on western prairies. Gilbert, to be sure, was still faithful, and waded up to Green Gables every possible evening. But Gilbert's visits were not what they once were. Anne almost dreaded them. It was very disconcerting to look up in the midst of a sudden silence and find Gilbert's hazel eyes fixed upon her with a quite unmistakable expression in their grave depths; and it was still more disconcerting to find herself blushing hotly and uncomfortably under his gaze, just as if--just as if--well, it was very embarrassing. Anne wished herself back at Patty's Place, where there was always somebody else about to take the edge off a delicate situation. At Green Gables Marilla went promptly to Mrs. Lynde's domain when Gilbert came and insisted on taking the twins with her. The significance of this was unmistakable and Anne was in a helpless fury over it.

  • imprison:監禁する
  • bronchitis:気管支炎
  • impassable:通り抜けられない
  • drift:漂流物
  • heap:積み上げる
  • prairie:草原地帯,大草原
  • faithful:信頼できる
  • wade:苦労して進む
  • dread:〜を恐れる
  • disconcert:人の心を乱す
  • hazel:ハシバミ色
  • fix on:〜にくぎ付けになる
  • blush:顔を赤らめる
  • embarrassing:気恥ずかしい
  • take the edge off:〜を和らげる
  • domain:領域
  • fury:激怒