アンの愛情 第七章

Chapter VII Home Again(36)

The visit to Echo Lodge was not the least pleasant of many pleasant holiday outings. Anne and Diana went back to it by the old way of the beech woods, carrying a lunch basket with them. Echo Lodge, which had been closed ever since Miss Lavendar's wedding, was briefly thrown open to wind and sunshine once more, and firelight glimmered again in the little rooms. The perfume of Miss Lavendar's rose bowl still filled the air. It was hardly possible to believe that Miss Lavendar would not come tripping in presently, with her brown eyes a-star with welcome, and that Charlotta the Fourth, blue of bow and wide of smile, would not pop through the door. Paul, too, seemed hovering around, with his fairy fancies.

  • outing:外出
  • beech wood:ブナの森
  • firelight:火明かり,炉火の光
  • glimmer:チラチラ光る
  • perfume:香り
  • rose bowl:ローズボウル,バラを生けるためのガラス鉢
  • presently:間もなく
  • bow:蝶形リボン
  • hover around:うろつく
  • fairy:妖精の
  • fancy:想像