アンの青春 第二十七章

CHAPTER XXVII An Afternoon at the Stone House(1)

"Where are you going, all dressed up, Anne?" Davy wanted to know. "You look bully in that dress."

Anne had come down to dinner in a new dress of pale green muslin . . . the first color she had worn since Matthew's death. It became her perfectly, bringing out all the delicate, flower-like tints of her face and the gloss and burnish of her hair.

  • dress up:おしゃれする,正装する
  • bully:素晴らしい
  • pale-green:淡緑色の
  • muslin:モスリン
  • become:〜に似合う
  • bring out:引き出す
  • delicate:繊細な
  • tint:色合い
  • gloss:光沢,輝き
  • burnish:つや,光沢