アンの青春 第二十五章

CHAPTER XXV An Avonlea Scandal(2)

"Look, Marilla," she said sorrowfully, holding up the flowers before the eyes of a grim lady, with her hair coifed in a green gingham apron, who was going into the house with a plucked chicken, "these are the only buds the storm spared . . . and even they are imperfect. I'm so sorry . . . I wanted some for Matthew's grave. He was always so fond of June lilies."

  • sorrowfully:悲しそうに
  • grim:厳しい,厳格な
  • coif:包む
  • gingham:ギンガム(チェックまたはストライプの平織り洋服地)
  • pluck:むしる
  • bud:つぼみ,芽
  • spare:〜に危害を加えない
  • imperfect:不完全な
  • grave:墓
  • lily:ユリ