アンの青春 第十四章

CHAPTER XIV A Danger Averted(41)

"It takes all sorts of people to make a world, as I've often heard, but I think there are some who could be spared," Anne told her reflection in the east gable mirror that night. "I wouldn't have mentioned the disgraceful thing to a soul anyhow, so my conscience is clear on THAT score. I really don't know who or what is to be thanked for this. _I_ did nothing to bring it about, and it's hard to believe that Providence ever works by means of the kind of politics men like Judson Parker and Jerry Corcoran have."

  • spare:〜を使わない
  • reflection:鏡映
  • disgraceful:恥ずべき
  • soul:人
  • conscience:良心
  • on the score of:〜の点については
  • bring about:もたらす
  • providence:神意
  • by means of:〜によって
  • politics:政治