アンの青春 第五章

CHAPTER V A Full-fledged Schoolma'am(2)

She had sat up until nearly twelve the preceding night composing a speech she meant to make to her pupils upon opening the school. She had revised and improved it painstakingly, and then she had learned it off by heart. It was a very good speech and had some very fine ideas in it, especially about mutual help and earnest striving after knowledge. The only trouble was that she could not now remember a word of it.


  • sit up:寝ないで起きている
  • preceding:先立つ
  • compose a speech:演説の草稿を作る
  • revise:訂正する,修正する
  • painstakingly:慎重に
  • learn off by heart:丸暗記する
  • mutual help:相互扶助
  • earnest:熱心,真剣
  • strive:努力する