アンの青春 第一章

CHAPTER I. An Irate Neighbor(29)

"It certainly would," admitted Mrs. Rachel. "That old ruin has been an eyesore to the settlement for years. But if you Improvers can coax Levi Boulter to do anything for the public that he isn't to be paid for doing, may I be there to see and hear the process, that's what. I don't want to discourage you, Anne, for there may be something in your idea, though I suppose you did get it out of some rubbishy Yankee magazine; but you'll have your hands full with your school and I advise you as a friend not to bother with your improvements, that's what. But there, I know you'll go ahead with it if you've set your mind on it. You were always one to carry a thing through somehow."

  • admit:認める
  • ruin:遺跡,廃墟
  • eyesore:目障り,目障りなもの
  • settlement:定住,集落
  • coax:まるめ込む,説得する
  • process:過程,経過
  • discourage:がっかりさせる
  • rubbishy:くだらない,つまらない
  • bother with:〜で頭を悩ます
  • set one's mind on:〜しようと心に決める