赤毛のアン 第三十八章

CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Bend in the road(1)

Marilla went to town the next day and returned in the evening. Anne had gone over to Orchard Slope with Diana and came back to find Marilla in the kitchen, sitting by the table with her head leaning on her hand. Something in her dejected attitude struck a chill to Anne's heart. She had never seen Marilla sit limply inert like that.

  • lean on:〜に寄り掛かる
  • deject:落胆させる,意気消沈させる
  • attitude:態度,姿勢
  • chill:冷たさ,ゾッとする気持ち
  • limply:弱々しい
  • inert:不活発な,生気のない