赤毛のアン 第三十七章

CHAPTER XXXVII The Reaper Whose Name Is Death(2)

"He's fainted," gasped Marilla. "Anne, run for Martin--quick, quick! He's at the barn."

Martin, the hired man, who had just driven home from the post office, started at once for the doctor, calling at Orchard Slope on his way to send Mr. and Mrs. Barry over. Mrs. Lynde, who was there on an errand, came too. They found Anne and Marilla distractedly trying to restore Matthew to consciousness.

  • faint:気絶する
  • gasp:恐怖であえぐ,息が止まる
  • barn:納屋
  • post office:郵便局
  • call at:〜に立ち寄る
  • on an errand:用事で
  • distractedly:取り乱して,心ここにあらずという様子で
  • restore:元の状態に戻す
  • consciousness:意識