赤毛のアン 第二十九章

CHAPTER XXIX. An Epoch in Anne's Life(1)

Anne was bringing the cows home from the back pasture by way of Lover's Lane. It was a September evening and all the gaps and clearings in the woods were brimmed up with ruby sunset light. Here and there the lane was splashed with it, but for the most part it was already quite shadowy beneath the maples, and the spaces under the firs were filled with a clear violet dusk like airy wine. The winds were out in their tops, and there is no sweeter music on earth than that which the wind makes in the fir trees at evening.

  • pasture:牧草地
  • by way of:〜を通って
  • gap:途切れ
  • clearing:(森の中の)空き地,森の中の木を切り開いた所
  • brim:いっぱいに入れる
  • ruby:深紅色の
  • here and there:あちこちに
  • lane:小道
  • splash with:〜を跳ねかける
  • fir:モミ
  • clear:澄んだ,透明な
  • violet:紫色の
  • dusk:夕暮れ,たそがれ
  • airy:空気のような