赤毛のアン 第二十八章

CHAPTER XXVIII. An Unfortunate Lily Maid(2)

"But it's so ridiculous to have a redheaded Elaine," mourned Anne. "I'm not afraid to float down and I'd love to be Elaine. But it's ridiculous just the same. Ruby ought to be Elaine because she is so fair and has such lovely long golden hair--Elaine had 'all her bright hair streaming down,' you know. And Elaine was the lily maid. Now, a red-haired person cannot be a lily maid."


  • ridiculous:ばかげた
  • mourn:嘆く
  • just the same:(それでも)やはり
  • fair:色白の
  • lily:ユリのように美しい人,優美な
  • maid:娘,少女