赤毛のアン 第十八章

CHAPTER XVIII. Anne to the Rescue(30)

"And that is true, Marilla. We're going to ask Mr. Phillips to let us sit together in school again, and Gertie Pye can go with Minnie Andrews. We had an elegant tea. Mrs. Barry had the very best china set out, Marilla, just as if I was real company. I can't tell you what a thrill it gave me. Nobody ever used their very best china on my account before. And we had fruit cake and pound cake and doughnuts and two kinds of preserves, Marilla. And Mrs. Barry asked me if I took tea and said 'Pa, why don't you pass the biscuits to Anne?' It must be lovely to be grown up, Marilla, when just being treated as if you were is so nice."

"I don't know about that," said Marilla, with a brief sigh.

  • elegant:上品な
  • china:磁器
  • company:訪問者
  • thrill:ゾクゾクする感じ
  • on my account:わざわざ
  • preserve:果物の砂糖煮
  • sigh:ため息