赤毛のアン 第十三章

CHAPTER XIII. The Delights of Anticipation(2)

A series of staccato taps on the west window brought Anne flying in from the yard, eyes shining, cheeks faintly flushed with pink, unbraided hair streaming behind her in a torrent of brightness.

"Oh, Marilla," she exclaimed breathlessly, "there's going to be a Sunday-school picnic next week--in Mr. Harmon Andrews's field, right near the lake of Shining Waters. And Mrs. Superintendent Bell and Mrs. Rachel Lynde are going to make ice cream--think of it, Marilla--ICE CREAM! And, oh, Marilla, can I go to it?"

  • staccato:スタッカート奏法の
  • tap:軽く打つこと
  • faintly:かすかに
  • flush:紅潮させる
  • unbraid:〜(編んだ髪の)のよりをほぐす
  • torrent:ほとばしり
  • brightness:明るさ,快活
  • exclaim breathlessly:息を切らして絶叫する
  • superintendent:最高責任者