赤毛のアン 第六章

CHAPTER VI. Marilla Makes Up Her Mind(16)

"It'd be more to the point if you could say she was a useful little thing," retorted Marilla, "but I'll make it my business to see she's trained to be that. And mind, Matthew, you're not to go interfering with my methods. Perhaps an old maid doesn't know much about bringing up a child, but I guess she knows more than an old bachelor. So you just leave me to manage her. When I fail it'll be time enough to put your oar in."

  • be to the point:要を得ている,適切である
  • retort:〜に反論する,鋭く言い返す
  • make it one's business to:〜することを引き受ける
  • mind:気をつける
  • interfere with:〜に干渉する
  • method:手法
  • bring up:育てる
  • bachelor:独身の男
  • put one's oar in:横から口を出す