赤毛のアン 第五章

CHAPTER V. Anne's History(5)

"Well, I don't know." Anne looked thoughtful. "I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I've never been able to believe it. I don't believe a rose WOULD be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage. I suppose my father could have been a good man even if he had been called Jedediah; but I'm sure it would have been a cross. Well, my mother was a teacher in the High school, too, but when she married father she gave up teaching, of course. A husband was enough responsibility. Mrs. Thomas said that they were a pair of babies and as poor as church mice. They went to live in a weeny-teeny little yellow house in Bolingbroke. I've never seen that house, but I've imagined it thousands of times. I think it must have had honeysuckle over the parlor window and lilacs in the front yard and lilies of the valley just inside the gate. Yes, and muslin curtains in all the windows. Muslin curtains give a house such an air. I was born in that house. Mrs. Thomas said I was the homeliest baby she ever saw, I was so scrawny and tiny and nothing but eyes, but that mother thought I was perfectly beautiful. I should think a mother would be a better judge than a poor woman who came in to scrub, wouldn't you? I'm glad she was satisfied with me anyhow, I would feel so sad if I thought I was a disappointment to her--because she didn't live very long after that, you see. She died of fever when I was just three months old. I do wish she'd lived long enough for me to remember calling her mother. I think it would be so sweet to say 'mother,' don't you? And father died four days afterwards from fever too. That left me an orphan and folks were at their wits' end, so Mrs. Thomas said, what to do with me. You see, nobody wanted me even then. It seems to be my fate. Father and mother had both come from places far away and it was well known they hadn't any relatives living. Finally Mrs. Thomas said she'd take me, though she was poor and had a drunken husband. She brought me up by hand. Do you know if there is anything in being brought up by hand that ought to make people who are brought up that way better than other people? Because whenever I was naughty Mrs. Thomas would ask me how I could be such a bad girl when she had brought me up by hand--reproachful-like.

  • thistle:アザミ
  • skunk cabbage:ザゼンソウ,ミズバショウ
  • cross:苦悩,苦痛
  • teeny-weeny:小さな
  • Bolingbroke:ボーリングブローク,ボリングブルック
  • honeysuckle:ハニーサックル,スイカズラ
  • parlor:応接室,居間
  • lilac:リラ
  • muslin:(綿)モスリン,白の薄い平織り綿布
  • air:雰囲気
  • homely:器量の悪い,不器量な
  • scrawny:ガリガリにやせこけた,骨張った
  • tiny:ちっぽけな
  • scrub:ゴシゴシ磨く,こする
  • fever:発熱,熱
  • orphan:孤児
  • be at one's wits' end:途方に暮れる,往生する
  • fate:運命
  • relative:身内,親戚
  • drunken husband:飲んだくれの亭主
  • bring up a baby by hand:赤ちゃんを(母乳でなく)ミルクで育てる
  • naughty:いたずらな,言うことを聞かない
  • reproachful:叱るような


Western Skunk Cabbage

