赤毛のアン 第三章

CHAPTER III. Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised(2)

During this dialogue the child had remained silent, her eyes roving from one to the other, all the animation fading out of her face. Suddenly she seemed to grasp the full meaning of what had been said. Dropping her precious carpet-bag she sprang forward a step and clasped her hands.

"You don't want me!" she cried. "You don't want me because I'm not a boy! I might have expected it. Nobody ever did want me. I might have known it was all too beautiful to last. I might have known nobody really did want me. Oh, what shall I do? I'm going to burst into tears!"

Burst into tears she did. Sitting down on a chair by the table, flinging her arms out upon it, and burying her face in them, she proceeded to cry stormily. Marilla and Matthew looked at each other deprecatingly across the stove. Neither of them knew what to say or do. Finally Marilla stepped lamely into the breach.

  • dialogue:会話
  • rove:さまよう
  • animation;活気,生気
  • grasp:理解する
  • precious:たいせつな
  • carpetbag:じゅうたんの生地で作った旅行かばん
  • clasp:握りしめる
  • last:続く
  • burst into tears:ドッと泣き出す
  • fling:放り出す
  • bury:埋める
  • proceed to:〜へ進む
  • stormily:嵐のように
  • deprecatingly:非難するように
  • lamely:弱々しく,力なく
  • step into the breach:急場を助ける