
In English ,please 
講師 KHS様


JALパパ 「お前の言うことなら聞くかもしれん」
“There's a chance she'll listen to you”
“no matter what”

hearとlisten toの差を考えさせる例がありました。
アントワネット様 「もう結構です」
“I have heard enough.”→聞く耳もたないけど聞こえたという感じ。一方“listen to”だと「耳を傾ける」という感じでしょうか。

オスカル様 「任務でございますゆえ、私の命に代えましても~」 
“It is my duty, I will protect the royal couple with my life.”

“ Fersen, has come to France to further refine himself at the French court. ” 

ロザリ― 「(ジャンヌが)私を殺そうとした」
“tried to have me killed”
→使役動詞+目的語[O] +過去分詞[~される]:ここで過去分詞形なのは受身形being killedbeing が省略されているから。ふむふむ。

オスカル様 「だいぶ腕をあげたな」
“You've gotten a lot better, Andre.”
“It's getting frightening using real words with you.”
アンドレ 「まだまだお前にはかなわん」
“I'm still no match for you.”
“No matter what I do, you agility always gets the better of me.”

オスカル様 「アントワネット様がご立派な皇后陛下におなりあそばすこと。私の望みはそれだけでございます」
“My only wish is to see you become a splendid Queen, Lady Antoinett.”

ノワイユ夫人 「特にあのフェルゼンという男には私がみていてもちょっと気になるくらい友情をお示しになって」
“Even I'm bothered by her excessive display of friendship with that man, Fersen.”

フェルゼン 「そうか、だいたいの検討はつく
“I can pretty much guess what it's about” 

オスカル様 「検討がついているなら話しやすい」
“If you already have an idea, it'll be easier for me to tell you.”

アンドレ 「そこがオスカルらしいところです」
“That's just how Oscar is.”
“She never takes the easy way out.”

“A sword would have been an easy win for her.”
→前文の(If she had chosen a sword)が省略されている形、現在の事実とは異なる道について話す時の仮定法過去ですね、かつて試験で苦しんだ。

オスカル様 「相手が怖いということではなく、尊い命をやりとりせねばならんことに恐れを感じるのだ」
“I'm afraid that I must take part in an exchange of precious lives.”
“No matter how heinous he might be. I fear having to take someone's life.”

アラス亭おやじ 「もしオスカル様がいらっしゃらなかったら、医者にかかることもできなかったでしょう」
“If you weren't be there, it's very inlikely that he would have been able to see a doctor. ”
“Out of France's population of 20 million, the nobles make up only 4 percent. The lifestyle of the nobles and the court are supported by the remaining 96%.”

ポリニャック夫人 超名台詞!!「文句があったらいつでもベルサイユへいらっしゃい」
“If you have a problem, come see me at Versailles.”←是非覚えてねっ♪
→口語で“come to see me”のtoを省略している。“come dime with me”(夕食、食べにおいで)と同じ使い方。

ロザリー 「母さんの敵、覚悟!」
“This is for killing my mother! Say your prayers!!”

オスカル様 「(ロザリーに)あたしではない、わたしと言え」
“Not proper, say it properly.”


ロザリー 「(死んだんです、オスカルさま、私の妹が)名乗りあうこともないまま」
“She died without knowing I'm her sister!”


アンドレ 「今日みたいなフェルゼン伯を初めて見た。何をしても辛そうで、かといって何かをしなければいられない。そんなつらい恋になんでのめりこむんだ
“The way Count Ferson was acting today...I've never seem him like that before. He seemed tormented, no matter what hed did. But on the other hand, he had to try... If his love is that tormenting, why did he get so involved?”

オスカル様 「アンドレ、たまには手加減抜きだ!」
“Andre! No holding back today!”

アンドレ 「いいとも!俺も今日はそのつもりさ」
“Fine with me! I wasn't planning on holding back either today, Oscar.”

吟遊詩人のおっさん 「たった一杯の酒、こいつが命。色も恋もねえ。一日中働きづめでやっと手にしたもの、それがたった一杯の酒。色も恋もねぇ。あるとすりゃあ、借金と飢えた家族。これぽっきり。ベルサイユのことなんか知らないねぇ。オーストリアから来た王女だって?スウェーデン貴族との火遊びごっこだって?知らないねぇ、俺たちは。ベルサイユのことなんか、これぽっきりも知らないねぇ。それより欲しいぜ、たった一杯の酒。たったの一杯…」
“This on measly drink. This is my life. No love, no romance. This is what I get for breaking my back all day. This only measly drink. This is my life, no love, no romance. The only things I have are debts and a starving family. That' all I have. Who care about Versailles? A princess from Austria? A dangerous liaison with a Swedish noble? We don't know. We couldn't care less about Versailles. know All we want is one  measly drink One measly drink..”

(講師、蛇足つぶやき:Gosh! I'm so thrilled...やられました、監督。付いて行きます)

アンドレ 「オスカル、女とばれなかっただけでももうけもんだぜ。(だがな、オスカル、俺にはわかる。どんな格好をしていようと間違いなくお前は女だ)」
“Oscar,consider yourself luckly they didn't find out you're a woman. But, Oscar--, I can tell. No matter what outfit you wear, you're unmistakably a woman to me.”

(講師、蛇足つぶやき:間一髪だったと思うよ!!! こんな場所で危険な・・・。“Behave yourself, young lady”(気を付けて、娘さん)と言いたい。「青レモ」よりよっぽど心臓に悪いよ・・・)

ジャンヌ 「実は、つまり、王妃様は同性愛の趣味がおありなのです」
“Well, you see... Her Majesty has a teste for women.”

アンドレ 「(ジャンヌ・バロア、)本当にやるもんだぜ」
“She sure is something. ”

ジャンヌ 「ガタガタするんじゃないよ!男のくせに。もうこうなったらなるようにしかならないさ」
“Pull yourself together and act like a man. Now that it's come down to this,what will be will be.”

オスカル様 「何か大切なものを失うような・・・」
“I feel as though something precious will be lost...”

パレロワイヤル:サロンの男 「ところで、古典もいいが、よかったらジャン・ジャック・ルソーを読んでみたまえ。『人間不平等起源論』だ。世界が貴族のためだけにあるんじゃないってことがよーくわかるよ」
“By the way, the classics are nice, but try reading Jean Jacques Ruosseau. He wrote the 『Discourse on the Origin of Inequality』. It clearly illustrates how the world doesn't exist solely for the sake of the nobility.”

アンドレ 「どうも右目だけだと遠近がつかめなくて」
“I'm having trouble grasping proper depth perception with just my right eye.”

オスカル様 「よし、まかせておけ。しごいてやる!」
“All right, leave everything to me. I drill it into you!”

フェルゼン 「どんなに隠そうとしても、瞬間的な身のこなしは隠しようようがない」
“No matter how hard you try and hide it, reflexes can't be hidden.”

オスカル様 「私に何も言ってはいけない。私の気持ちはとっくに整理がついているんだ」
“You must't say anything to me..! I’ve already come to terms with my feelings.”

“There're  two kinds of love in this world. A love filled with joy...and a love filled with agony...”

フェルゼン 「いいや、オスカル。この世の愛はたったひとつ。苦しみの愛だけだ」
“No, Oscar. There is only one kind of love in this world. Only a love filled with agony!”

オスカル様 「神よ・・・。フェルゼンにご加護を。そしていつか喜びの愛を彼にお与えください」
“God..Please bestow your grace upon Fersen...and please bestow him a love filled with joy someday..”

アンドレ 「赤く咲いても白く咲いてもバラはバラだ。バラはライラックになれはしない」
“A rose is a rose whether it blooms in red or white. But a rose can never be lilac.”

オスカル様 「女はしょせん女ということか?」
“Do you mean that a woman will always be a woman”

ちなみに「青レモ」“Andre, a Green Lemon”(緑の〈未熟な〉レモン)。この謎めいたタイトルについて、「アニメのタイトルが示す通り、Aはまだ「青いレモン」、未熟な青年、まだ愛を分かち合うことを学ばねばならない」という解説が書かれたアニメ紹介文もネットで見ました。さらに超無駄な知識なんですが、海外アニメオタク界では2000年頃から「レモン」は「××な内容を含むもの」という意味で使われているようです(語源は「くりーみぃれもん」。ちなみに軽いのはライム)。アニばら自体ははるか古い作品なのですが、昨今の海外アニメオタク世代にとってはこのタイトルがちょっと違ったイメージを喚起するのではと心配になります。ジャパニメーションの世界征服のおかげで、幼馴染の口づけの古ーい元歌にこめられた甘酸っぱいイメージのタイトルはどこかへ飛んでしまった・・・)

アンドレ 「20年間、俺はお前だけ見、お前だけを想ってきた。愛している。いや、愛してしまった。たとえようもないほど深く・・・」
“The past 20 years, the only person I saw and yearned for was you. I love you. No, I could’t help but love you.. Deeply, beyond compare.”

 青いレモンなアンドレ 「愛してしまった・・・」
A I could’t help but love you.(→字幕はこっち)
B I could’t help loving you.

さて、昔英語の授業で習った、can/could not help ~ing (~せずにはいられない)と今回の can/could not help 動詞(原型不定詞=不定詞のtoなし)はニュアンスが同じなのか違うのだろうか?


(蛇足つぶやき:つまり、Aの方が告白向け表現ということかも(?)。単に"I love you."と言うより、"I could’t help but love you."の方が印象に残りそう。皆さん、ぜひ使ってみましょう!!)

オスカル様 「この間のこと、私は別に怒ってはいない。だが記憶にもとどめない」
“I'm not angry what happened the other day. I also refuse to let it remain in my memory though.”

吟遊詩人のおっさん 「人はこの世に2つの光を見る。1つは日の光、星の光。目さえあれば見える光さ。そしてもう1つは人の心と希望の光。こいつは目があるだけじゃ見えやしねえ。でも必要なのはこいつの方さ。こいつさえあれば生きていける。とことん落ちても生きていける。心だよ兄さん、愛しあうのは心と心だ。目なんてやつは、飾りみたいなもんさね。元気だしなよ。元気だしなよ、兄さん」
“People see two kinds of light in this world. One is the light from the sun and stars. It's a light, which you can see with your eyes. The other light is the light of hope in people's hearts. You can't see with just your eyes, but it's what you need most. As long as you have this, you can live. Even if you've hit rock bottom, you can still live. It's one's heart, Monsieur. Love is between two hearts. Eyes are nothing but an accessory. Cheer up. Cheer up, Monsieur.”

アラン 「いや、悪いが俺は今回は降りる。女は相手にしねえ主義なんだ」
“Sorry, but count me out this time. Taking on a woman isn't my thing.”

オスカル様 「どういうことだ、アンドレ!私はもう供はするなと言ったはずだぞ!」
“What is the meaning of  this, Andre?! I told you not to accompany me anymore!”

アンドレ 「だから、供ではないよオスカル。俺は隊員だ、この隊の。実はこの隊に知り合いがいてね、その伝手で昨日入隊したんだ。どんなことがあろうが、お前に何と思われようが、お前を守れるのは俺だけだ」
“I'm not accompanying you, Oscar. I'm a member of this unit. I have an acquaintance in this unit, so I joined through him yesterday. No matter what happens. No matter what you think of me.. I'm the only one who can protect you.”
「帰ります、隊長!」 “I'll be leaving now, Commander!”

オスカル様 「勝手にしろ・・・!」 “Do whatever you want..!”

JALパパ(ブイエ将軍に) 「娘にはいま結婚の話をすすめております」「父親として、あれもそろそろ武官としては潮時であろうと、そう考えております」
“I am currently urging my daughter to get married." "As her father, I feel it's time for her to take her leave as a military officer.”

オスカル様 「父上、私の方にも話がございます」
“Father, there's something I'd like to discuss with, as well.”

JALパパ 「ああ、いいからかけなさい」
“Anyway, have a seat.”

オスカル様 「ジェローデルとの話、あれはきっぱりとお断りください。私には結婚する意志など全くありません」
“Please turn down Girodelle's proposal. I have absolutely no desire of getting married!”

JALパパ 「まあそういきり立つな、静かに話し合おうじゃないか」
“Now stop being so irate about it. Let's discuss this matter calmly.”

オスカル 「父上、ご安心を。私は父上が思っておられるほど女を捨てて生きたわけではありません。女としてかつては燃える恋もいたしました」
“I didn't abandon my womanhood as much as you think. I even fell madly in love as a woman once.”
“In fact, I'm very greatful to you, Father. Because you raised me as a man, I'm able to forget everything and live strongly.”

JALパパ 「オスカル、悲しいことを言わんでくれ。女として傷ついたのなら女として幸せになってほしい。逃げ出してはいかんよ、オスカル。男だなどと言って自分をごまかしてはいかん。おまえは女なのだから、どこにだしてもひけをとらぬほど美しい私の娘なのだから。とにかくおまえは今までの分まで幸せになってほしい」
“Oscar, don't say such sad things... If you were hurt as a woman, I want you find your happiness as a woman. You must't away, Oscar. You must't
deceive yourself by calling yourself a man. You're my daughter who I can proudly send anywhere and your beauty is second to none.”

B中隊のいじめっこ雑魚兵士 「たっぷりとやきをな、いれてやるぜ」
“I'll rough you up real good.”

アンドレ 「面白いな。俺も今日はちょっとイライラすることがあってね。喜んで相手をさしてもらおう」
“Sound interesting! I'm annoyed about something today, too! I'll gladly take on!”

ジェローデル 「ああ、こんな月並みな言葉しか言えないなんて、自分がもどかしい・・・」
“It's so frustrating that I can only convey it to you in such lackluster words.
“Please.. Please say something. Ah, the winds are blowing through my heart...”
“Being a noble holds many burdens, but if I were't born as one, I would have gladly become your servant or even a stablehand.”

オスカル様 「貴族である以上従僕のことを言う資格はない。あなたにも、私にも・・・。失礼、お見送りここまででけっこう」
“As nobles, neither of us has any right  to speak about servants in such a way. Nor you, nor I... Excuse me. You've escorted me far enough.”

JALパパ 「いや、戻ってきても何も言いますまい。あれが正しく私が間違っているということだってあり得る。ただ私が望むのは、オスカル、私の娘が・・決して幸せを求める気持ちを失って生きてほしくないということです。あれは小さい時からどんな事でも自分の気持ちを抑えてしまう、そんな子だからです。ぅっ・・ぅ」
“No, I won't say anything when she returns. It's also possible that she's right and I'm wrong. All I hope for is that Oscar...my daughter...will never give up searching for her happiness. I worry, because ever since she was young, she was the kind of child that would supress her feeling...”


アラン 「アンドレ、がんばれ・・!
“Go get her, Andre..!”

ブイエ将軍 「売ったとあらば、国家への裏切り行為。銃殺にせねばならぬ」
“If the soldier sold it, it's an act of treason. He'll be executed by firing squad.”

ベルナール 「ロザリーは今、私と一緒にロベスピエール先生の組織で働いている。今度の集会で使う、ビラやポスターを作りに行ったところだ」
“Rosalie is working at Monsieur Robespierre's organization with me. She went to make handbills and posters for our next rally just now. ”

“Andre, won't you join us? I hardly think you're the type to be content with merely being a noble's stable-hand!”

ルイ・ジョセフ 「ルイ・シャルル、行っておいで。そしてしっかりと見てくるんだよ、僕の代わりだ。もしかしたら、今度は君がフランス王太子になるのだから」
“Louis-Charles, go now. And watch closely..in my stead. After all, it's possible you may become the next Dauphin.”

“On June 2nd, at 10 o'clock, the bells of Notre Dame Cathedral tolled solemnly. It signaled the beginning of the 40 hour long vigil for the Dauphin, who was in critical condition.”

オスカル様 「新しいフランスが今度の三部会から生まれてくる。それが成功するよう、議会と議員達を守るのが今の私の任務だ。がんばれ、オスカル」
“A new France will emerge from the Estates-General. My duty is to protect the assembly and representatives, so it can succeed. Hang in there, Oscar.”

オスカル様 「そんな気はありませんよ、ラ・ボーム大佐。落ち着いてあの群衆をよく見たまえ。これ以上雨の中に待たせたら、暴動が起こる。私は警備の責任者として、不慮の大事故がおこらないように処置をしただけだ。いいか、そうブイエ将軍に報告したまえ!」
“Not at all, Colonel la Baume. Calm down and observe the crowd. If we make them wait any longer, a riot will break out for certain. As the head of security, I did what I needed to do to avoid having a disaster on our hands. Got what?! Now go back and report this to General Bouille!”

ベルナール 「何だと?アベイ牢獄を包囲しろだと?」
“What? Surround Abbaye Prison?”
 オスカル様 「うん、君なら市民を動員できるはずだ。千人、いや三千人ぐらいは是非集めてほしい」
“Yes, if anyone, you should be able to rally the people. A thousand.. No, better yet, I want you to rally at least 3000 people.”
ベルナール 「それは、できない事もないが、しかし、そんな事で君の部下が救えるのか?」
“It's not impossible, but... Will that really save your men through?”
オスカル様 「私はパリ市街の治安に責任を持つ衛兵隊の隊長だ。パリの治安が危険だと判断すれば、12名の釈放を国王に要請できる」
“I'm the Commander of the French Guards, who is responsible for keeping the peace in Paris." If I judge that Paris's security is in danger, I can request the release of the 12 men to the King.”
ベルナール 「なるほど、いい考えだ。あんたほどの知恵者が我々平民の側にも欲しい」
“I see. That's a good idea. We could really use someone as clever as you on the commoner's side.”
オスカル様 「やってくれるか?」
“Will you do that?”
ベルナール 「ひとつ問題がある。もし、そのまま暴動になったらどうする?」
“There's one problem. What if it turns into a riot? ”
オスカル様 「君たちの仲間や市民からは、怪我人も死者も一人もださぬと約束しよう。もし、約束を違えたら、私は衛兵隊を辞め、君たちの使い走りにでも何でもなるだろう」
“I promise that none of your comrades or the people will get hurt or die.  If I break my promise, I'll leave the French Guards, and run errands or do whatever your group needs me to do.”
ベルナール 「わかった、やってみよう。俺の演説一つで何人集まるか見ていくれ」
“All right. I'll give it a try. Watch and see how many people will gather from my speech.”
オスカル様 「よろしく頼む」
“I'm counting on you.”


The situation had quickly grown hostile in July of 1789.

However, both Antoinette and Oscar knew full well that they would never meet again. In the end, their longstanding frendship wasunable to trinmph...over the obstace of being the Queen of a country.

“July 12, 1789, morning. Yesterday, Jacques Necker, the Minister of Finance was dismissed from his post. Later, a false rumor spread about a coming massacre of patriots, causing people to take up arms. There is no distinction between day and night in Paris now. People are running around in the back alleyways, wielding clubs and knives. The 100,000 strong army that has been gathered in Paris, burn bonfires and berate its citizens. Confusion and suspicion... Is this the early heartbeat of the new era? Could it mean something for a brighter tomorrow?  I don't know. I don't know, but I'll watch... I'll watch the final moments of this era with my right eye. My right eye, which has become almost blind..”

“I noticed it ahile back. Please, do as I say...”

“There's always a chance that this may be the last time we meet. There's one thing I must tell you. If you had been a noble, I would have allowed you to marry Oscar for certain. No, in fact, I would have given you my wholehearted blessings. Do not die, Andre, Promise me you'll come back!”

“I'm going with you, Oscar. I always have and I always will.”

“Andre.. I used to  be in love with Fersen… Despite knowing you love me, I still loved Fersen. Could you still really love someone like me?”

“I love everything about you. For as long as I live.”

“André… , André. I love you, too… with all my heart.”

“I've already known it for years. No, I knew it even before I was born...”

“Thank you for all the love and devotion you have bestowed on a daughter like me.”

“What are you saying, Oscar? You sound as though you're truly saying goodbye. I won't allow it!  I won't allow it, Oscar!!”

“I'm sure you're all aware by now, but.. Company B will advance to Paris' Tuileries Square at 8 in the morning. Our mission is to keep the armed demonstrators in check, but if it turns into a riot, we must open fire at the demonstrators and suppress the riot. I'm aware your parents and siblings may be among the crowd. Even if I order you to open fire I doubt you'll pull the trigger.”

“Let me tell you what I think... No, let me tell you what path I feel I should take. This is solely my personal decision. I hereby resign as your commander, because I know the man I love and trust, wouldn't open fire at the people, just like the rest of you. I will follow his decision. If he wishes to fight with the people, I'll fight alongside them, as well. Guardsmen... I've become Andre Grandier's wife. My wish is to become a wife who walks with her husband and the path he believes in. Tell me, Andre. The path you choose is the path I'll trust and follow.”

“Commander, there's no need for you to resign. We discussed it before you came. If a battle begins, we've agreed to quit the French Guards on the spot, and join the revolution! But if that's how you feel, we won't have to do that. We’ll fight with the people under your command! Instead of fighting separately, we'll be much more useful as a unit!”

“ can't die at a time like this... I can't die.”

“You're leaving me behind?!”

“Maybe some other time.”

“Commander, I know this sounds like a typical thing to say, but Andre was a lucky guy. After all, you returned his love.”

“Don't, Oscar! There's no end to it, once you start saying things like that. It might not compare to your deep grief, but you're not the only one who's grieving his loss. Just make sure you come to see us in the morning, all right? After all, this is where everything begins.”

“I loved you, Andre.. I probably always have but I realized it too late.. If only I had realized I love you sooner... I'm certain our days would have been even brighter... You were beside me, so quietly and gently... I was unable to realize my love for you. Andre, please forgive me. Not realizing one's love is far more sinful than betraying one's love. ”

“Andre, answer me. Is everything over..? ”

“The Seine's flow cannot be stopped. You always used to say that, Father... Swallowing up all the sadness and hardships, the Seine continues to flow. The night will last for a very a long time, but.. Eventually the sun will rise, and in the bright morning sun, the weeping people will emerge from their doors. And when they do.. The Seine will be following gently and swiftly as it has always done.”

The reason why the "Storming of the Bastille" is so well known in history is not only because it was a great battle between the regime and its people, but because it was the first time the people had come to a consensus and acted upon it. In other words, the true significance of the "Storming of the Bastille" was that it wasn't led by the elite revolutionists, such as Robespierre, but rather it was led by a mass o unknown demonstrators, who truly yearned for the new era, that came together in a moment of spontaneous unity. July 14, 1789. In essence, it was the day the revolution had truly begun.

“Oscar and Andre, huh.. In a way they were fortune.. They died without knowing the ugliness that followed after the revolution.”

~ Fin ~
