


Q:何が好きですか? What do you like?
I guess it would have to be... It goes both ways, because I love it and hate it, but it would have to be my job. Sometimes it's really had, but when things fall into place, I feel quite happy.

Q:何が嫌いですか? What do you hate?
Job. I sound like I'm joking around, don't I?

When I draw a storyboard, people often tell me that I don't take into account the script, even though the script goes through several revisions before it's finalized. When it's being animated, things keep changing, and sometimes the story ended up being something completely different. Someone got really irate over that once. Converting words into imagery isn't always so straightforward. Because imagery has to be entertaining. As it's being created, sometimes the story just expands. Granted, it's my job as a filmmaker, but when that happens, it usually turns out better than what I had imagined. I have to build and guide a story to its conclusion, while taking into account the various settings and backgrounds. At times, I'm not sure how it will end either. I carry that tension with me, and when I'm able to come up with a new and much more interesting ending, that's when it's most gratifying.

Apparently, the previous director didn't have a good reputation with Nippon Television, who was producing the series, or with the voice actors, I have no idea what happened there, but the producers suddenly came to me and asked me if I would direct it.If they already have a director, it wouldn't be right for me to come on, so I told them if Nagahama quits, then I'd be willing to take it over. I think there are about three episodes in between where there wasn't a director. I chose not to watch the episodes Nagahama directed, and bring my own interpretations. I started directing the series from episode 19. The producer didn't say anything and gave me free rein. He probably knew my directing style. The scripts were already written, so I grabbed elements from there and the original manga,and made it even more dramatic. The story would eventually take place during the French Revolution,so the characters' lives have to be believable,or else the French Revolution would seem superficial, as well. The French Revolution, as a subject.. Just so you know, I personally haven't studies it. But in the midst of all that, Oscar and Andre pass away as two nameless soldiers.That was my theme for this series. There love never fully came to be, but there was a magnificent love between two young people, who died before their time.That was the angle I wanted to depict.I directed the series thinking that I'm documenting the lives of these two characters, who are living their lives to the fullest.

2006年制作版 DVD特典:出崎統監督インタビュー抜粋