I got a mail from KD6WD / John. He is a QRPer who enjoy cw and qrp. I was very pleased to become acquainted with him through qrp. and I was impressed by his following words.

The beauty of ham radio is meeting people from other countries and discovering how much we have in common as well as the unique and great features of each others cultures. John Labutski kd6wd

I really think so too, John. Thank you for giving me your nice words, the thinking way of Ham Radio and the other's culture. I am looking forward to making contact with you on the qrp radio some day. I have to put up a nice antenna in the air for our cw talk. If I could hear you on HF. It would be wonderful thing!. I do hope so.


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「小さなパワーで大きな感動」はJARL QRP CLUBの標語です。QRP運用をしてみると正にこの言葉通りであると実感できます。QRP信号はとても弱いのが普通ですからノイズレベルに浮き沈みしているような場合は聞きこぼす部分が出てきて受信に大変苦労します。私のQRP信号を相手の局が全神経を集中して聞いてくれているのがこちらにも伝わってくるのです。パワーが小さい分他の技術でカバーしようとして皆さん工夫されています。アンテナやフィルター、プリアンプ、パワーロスフリーなどについて考察するわけですね。だから2way QRP交信が成立した時はお互いに感動するのでしょう。QRPを嫌う意見もあるようですが私は色々な意味でQRPが大好きです。

40m band 2watts TRX by Mizuho.(left side)
center is a audio filter for cw.

左:ミズホ通信の7MHz 2W SSB/CWトランシーバ

Some of my QRP rigs
Home brew 40m band cw TX and RX
TX(left) is 1watt /DC9v and RX(right) is a simple direct conversion.

自作7MHz CW送受信機
2m band 1watts SSB/CW TRX by Mizuho.

144MHz 1W SSB/CWトランシーバ/ミズホ通信
QRP Equipments /2016-09-25
2m and 40m band SSB/CW TRX by Mizuho.
144MHz 1W, 7MHz 2W SSB/CWトランシーバ/ミズホ通信
  1. The Mizuho and Nishi Musen Reflector