The Observer Sport Monthly
July 2007 No. 89
Pete Sampras Interview
By Nick Greenslade

1.  How's retirements?

I was 31 when I finished playing in 2002 and working out what you're then going to do for the rest of your life isn't as easy as it seems. My wife was pregnant at the time, so I was soon busy looking after our son, but I've managed to play a lot of golf and some recreational poker. Recently, I've started to play a few charity tennis tournaments. I need that competitive goal to focus on.

2.  How is your golf?

Not bad. After the United States won the Davis Cup in 1995, the team was allowed to play Augusta National, where the US Masters takes place. I shot 85 (13 over par). I'd be interested to see how I would play the course now because I'm a better player. I would love to go to a Ryder Cup because they say the atmosphere there is sensational. But Europe keeps beating the US. Why is that? It can't simply be because your players all have dinner together...

3.  Who were your sporting heroes?

I liked the Australians, Rod Laver and Ken Rosewall. It wasn't just the way they played but how they carried themselves off court. There were humble. Connors and McEnroe were both great, but they were, how shall I put this, more abrasive...

4. What influence did your parents have on you?

My mum came to America from Greece when she was 25m without a penny and barely able to speak the language. My dad, who is Jewish but has a Greek father, held down two jobs while I was growing up. So you could say they taught me a lot about hard work and humility.

5. Your wife Bridgette is an actress.  How did you meet?

In 1999, I went to the movies with some friends. Somebody suggested we see "Love Stinks", in which she was starring. That decision changed my life. I had seen the face before but didn't know the name. When we came out of the theatre, I told one of my friends that I really wanted to see her. Fortunately, he was able to set it up and we married the following year.

6.  Who was your toughest opponent?

Andre Agassi. We had contrasting styles and he had that extra gear. If you made a mistake, then you knew it was game over. I also like to think that I made him realise that how you played was more important that your image. When he retired, I thought it was important to reach out to him so I sent him a few text messages. It would have been a shame for us not to be in contact just because we were both no longer playing. Now we're retired and bringing up young families, we joke about how much we finally have in common.

7. Tell us about your game against Jim Courier at the 1995 Australian Open?

My Coach Tim Gullikson had suffered a stroke and it looked like he might have a brain tumour [Gullikson died as a result in 1996]. I had visited Tim when he was sick and talked to his brother Tom, who was in tears. But I had shut all that out until the fourth set. Then my body gave way and my emotions took over. Thinking about Tim in pain and Tom crying set me off. Jim asked me if I wanted to go on. But it was good to let it all go. I won!

8.  What was your favourite win?

Possibly Wimbledon 2000, when I completed a record seventh win and my parents were there for the first time. Then there was the US Open victory in 2002. I hadn't won a grand slam in two years and was really down. That was a great way to go out.

9. Do you still talk to your former coach Pete Fischer?

I stood by Pete when he was accused of child molestation in 1998 because he had been a good coach. In 2002, after he had been released from prison, he approached me at the US Open, saying I looked terrible and was quite critical.  After the loyalty I had shown him, I didn't think that was right. We haven't spoken since.

10. Have you been back to Wimbledon since your retirement?

No, but I watch it on TV and it's the one time I want to be back on court, because so few players try to serve and volley. It's a lost art. I'll never forget the first time I went there, I was 17 and outside the top 100 at the time. But having got up at 6am in California to watch it on TV when I was a kid, it was great to be there finally.