21 Jun 2010
If Pete Sampras played Roger Federer, who would win?
By Simon Briggs

On July 2, 2001, Roger Federer and Pete Sampras met for the only time on the ATP tour. It was a fourth-round match at Wimbledon, pitting a 19-year-old wannabe against a fading 29-year-old star.

As so often in these circumstances, the good young'un sneaked past the good old'un, although it was a close-run thing: Federer won 7-5 in the fifth.

That day, Federer was declared to be "a bit extra-special" by his defeated opponent. It was a prescient judgement. Nine years on, he returns to London with a shot at equalling Sampras's seven Wimbledon titles. If you believe the bookies, only Rafael Nadal stands between him and this lofty ambition.

With all to play for over the next fortnight, the question has to be raised --- in a fantasy showpiece, played on an idealised Centre Court, would Federer beat Sampras again? We are imagining both men in their pomp here, equipped not only with a frightening array of strokes, but also the aura of invincibility that demoralised so many opponents.

It is the unstoppable force meeting the unstoppable force. See it as a sort of Large Hadron Collider of tennis.

Given that we are playing on grass, the temptation must be to bow down before Pistol Pete and his mighty serve --- surely the swiftest and deadliest missile in the whole of sport. There is a cultish 1940s novel where a British marksman takes out a Gestapo agent with an improvised bow made of wood and catgut. Sampras's first delivery, launched with similar materials, was scarcely less deadly.

This is the view of John McEnroe, himself a phenomenal grass-court performer in a different era. "I think if they played ten times on grass, both at their peak, then Pete would win six or seven times," said McEnroe. "He had the greatest, most difficult serve in the history of tennis." What we forget, when we think about this marvel of biomechanical perfection, is how much Sampras's serve set up the rest of his game.

It made his volleys a great deal easier, for a start. When he stepped towards the net, stooping in that distinctive slope-shouldered way, the ball seemed to be magnetically attracted towards the corners of the court. Three-stroke rallies were the main currency of his 14 Grand Slam titles.

The second effect was to turn Sampras into a dangerous returner. Of course, he never had Andre Agassi's ability to thread the needle with a service return; he didn't have to. As Tim Henman puts it, "One year at Wimbledon he only lost his serve twice in 118 games, and that gives you a great platform to play from. As a returner, you can go for broke. Also your opponent realises that if he drops his serve once, the set's over, so you've got him under tremendous pressure from the start."

Hmm, that's quite a package. So what can we expect from Federer in reply? Isn't he blown away before we even start? Well, maybe not. You see, the thing about Federer is his extreme versatility. With his ballet-dancer's feet and his sculptor's hands, he can play in any style he likes. Federer is the multi-skilled fox of tennis --- to use Isaiah Berlin's famous analogy --- while Sampras, Agassi and even Rafael Nadal are all hedgehogs who only have one trick, excellent though that trick might be.

It just so happens that Federer began his Wimbledon career in the dying days of the serve-volley era. When he beat Sampras in 2001, both men rushed the net on every single opportunity. And yet, when Federer won his first title in 2003, serve-and-volley had gone from being his sole tactic to an occasional change-up option, used to keep his opponent honest.

"In the early part of the decade, there was a subtle change in the way the courts played," says Henman now. "The grass became coarser so that it grabbed the ball, and players had more time. So you were having longer rallies, the balls were fluffing up, and people were using heavier spin."

The difference could only be measured in fractions of a second, but it was enough to force Federer back on other assets, such his sinuous movement and impeccable groundstrokes. The baseline strategy has paid a healthy dividend: when Lleyton Hewitt beat him in Germany last weekend, it was only Federer's second defeat on turf in the past seven years.

Yes, Sampras may have been the purer grass-court player, if we consider grunting serve-a-thons to be pure grass-court tennis. Yet the real question is "Who would have adapted better to the other's era?"

The answer is surely Federer. If he is not such a renowned server as Sampras, that is partly because the game has changed. You still see certain players pummelling the back fence, but they are never going to ace their way to the trophy in the way that Goran Ivanisevic once did.

Even though we might pine for the lost art of the serve-volleyers, that has to be for the better.

This argument is not over yet. Two more Wimbledon titles, and Federer will settle the matter once and for all. One more, and his greater resourcefulness and entertainment value must surely carry him home in the tie-break. But can he get there? After his shock defeat to Robin Soderling in Paris, there are whispers that he might be losing the crucial half-a-step that separates the champion from the also-ran.

For Federer's fan-base, such details have ceased to matter. Even if he goes out in the first round, even if he never wins another Grand Slam tournament, many of us will still revere him as the most lethal thing on grass since Norman "Bites Yer Legs" Hunter. Unfortunately, the evidence will be against us. Until Federer lifts another trophy, Sampras will always have the edge in the Wimbledon numbers game.